
广州市骏威汽车用品有限公司-是一家拥有自主研发团队、自主生产技术、自有生产设备的中型汽车护理用品生产公司。公司坐落在美丽花城(广州)地区。骏威产品研发团队经过多年汽车护理用品研发,现已经研发生产出多种汽车清洗护理优质品。 其中代表产品有:洗车液、轮胎光亮剂、蜡水洗车液、全能水、机头水、镀膜洗车液、镀晶洗车液、轮胎蜡、表板蜡、万能泡沫清洁剂、空调免拆清洗剂、化清剂、柏油清洗剂、镀晶、镀蜡、免擦洗车液、防冻液、水箱宝、玻璃防雾剂、波箱油、排挡油、底盘装甲、雨刮精、泥土松散剂、发动机清洁剂、空气清新剂、除锈剂、润滑油等汽车护理用品。其中镀晶洗车液、蜡水洗车液、高泡洗车液顺利通过无伤车漆检验,让消费者使用更放心。深受市场客户信任,骏威产品已经推广到全国各大地区, “护理用骏威,汽车更放心”我们更安心。骏威秉承:“诚信经营、品质保证、客户至上”企业经营理理念,欢迎广大客户来电咨询与洽谈合作! Guangzhou  Jun wei Automobile Amenities Co.,Ltd. is a company with independent research and development team, independent producing technology and own manufacturing equipment of medium-sized car care products manufacturer . The company is located in the beautiful flower city of Guangzhou. Jun Wei R&D team after years of car care products research and developing, it has developed and produced a variety of car wash care products of good quality. The representing products are: automotive air-conditioning cleaning agents, car interior cleaning agent, foam car wash liquid,etc. It has passed the qualification of paint damage inspection, also let the consumers use more at ease, trusting by the terminal customers in the local market. Jun Wei car care product has a certain market in the domestic area , it has been extended to the major national area now . The slogan “ car care with Jun Wei brand, makes you more at ease” lets us feeling more comfortable and confidence. Jun Wei adhering to the “good faith management, quality assurance, customer first” business philosophy . Here, Jun Wei welcomes customers from all over the world to inquire and negotiate co-operation ! 集研发、生产、销售于一体化企业,拥有现代化气雾罐装自动化生产线、生产设备,全国知名汽车养护用品生产工厂。 支持贴牌生产、内外贸易、全国代理、区域代理、网络代销等合作模式。 工厂直供、量大优惠、低价供货、免费代理、返点优惠、新店扶持等优惠政策。手机/微信号码:/ QQ/E-mai: 招商部:黄经理 (支持贴牌、OEM定制、外贸定制)        

公司名称: 广州市白云区骏威汽车护理用品厂 公司类型: 个体经营 (制造商)
所 在 地: 广东/广州市 公司规模: 50-99人
注册资本: 300万人民币 注册年份: 2009
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00 公司电话: 18520502324
资料认证: 工商执照未认证  真实姓名未认证  手机号码未认证  企业邮箱未认证  企业资料未认证
主营行业: 交通运输 / 汽摩保养品  
经营范围: 洗车液、表板蜡、化清剂、泡沫清洗剂、全能水
采购产品: ---
销售产品: ---
经营模式: 制造商