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  behind的中文翻译及音标 prep.
  1.在...的背后;向...的背后;到...的背后 2.(遗留)在...的后面 3.落后于,不如 4.迟于,晚于 5.对...说来已成过去 6.作...的后盾 7.隐藏在...后面;作为引起...的潜在原因
  1.在背后;向背后;到背后 2.(留)在原处;(遗留)在后 3.在过去 4.落在后面;(钟表等)慢;迟,不按时 5.【古】还在后面,储备着 a. 背后的,位于后面的
  n. 1.【口】屁股 2.(上衣等的)背后部分;后襟 3.【英俚】(足球运动中的)后卫 4.【橄】(得分的)射门
  这些词均有“在……后面”之意。 after和behind用来表地点时,前者强调的是顺序的先后,而后者侧重方向和位置的前后关系。请比较:The student sat after me.那个学生坐在我后面。(我坐在他前面)。The student sat behind me.那学生坐在我背后。after与behind用于指时间时,前者强调时间的先后顺序,而后者则着重于表示“落后……”或“迟于……”的概念。
  试比较:Who ruled after James I?詹姆斯一世之后是谁统治的?You are forty minutes behind schedule.你比规定的时间迟了40分钟。after多用于表示因时间上的先后而造成顺序的前后场合,behind则常用于仅指位置上的前后关系。请比较:Please shut the door after you.请随手关门。Please shut the door behind you.请关上你身后的门。
  at the back of这个前置词短语既可指具体的位置的先后,又可用于指抽象的概念。 这些词均有“在后,向后”之意。 back作为副词或形容词时,强调所修饰物的位置以及动作运动方向。
  backward可用于人或物,指向后的,落后的或迟钝的。 hind指成对并且分前后的东西的“后面的”。 behind指一物同它物相对的位置或场所。
  英语解释 remaining in a place or condition that has been left or departed from in or into an inferior position having the lower score or lagging position in a contest in or to or toward the rear of timepieces in debt the fleshy part of the human body that you sit on
  The motive behind it is, indeed, very often purely economic rather than vindictive, but this does not ameliorate its harmful impact 采取这种办法主要是经济上的原因,而不是报复,但是这并没有改变它的损害程度。
  Sir Leicester, for all his scrupulous politeness, is unable to assist her, and is left behind 累斯特爵士虽然殷勤周到,却来不及搀扶她,而被抛在后面。
  The fact was, as she explained to him, behind a very shabby fan, one of her married daughters had come up quite suddenly to stay with her. 她用一把颇为寒怆的扇子掩着脸,对他说那是因为有个出嫁的女儿突然回家来住。
  He had been a happy man, secure and hopeful, with friend and home and job, with the past clean behind him, the future shining ahead 他曾是个无忧无虑的人,生活安定,充满希望;朋友、家庭、职业应有尽有;过去的经历白璧无瑕,未来的日子闪闪发光。
  Darkly they are there behind this light, darkness shining in the brightness, delta of cassiopeia, worlds 星群黑魆魆地隐在这道光的后面,黑暗在光中照耀,三角形的仙后座,穹苍。
  From behind her Al growled,“God Almighty, Mae, give’em bread” 奥尔从梅伊背后不耐烦地喊道:“你积德吧,梅伊,把面包给他们。”
  Behind wrought iron gates, a small, cobbles-stoned courtyard, polished with age… 在大铁门后面,一座卵石铺砌的小庭院,日久天长磨得发亮…
  Behind them on this Sunday morning, july 25, 1982, lay two fascinating days of sightseeing 这是1982年7月25日星期天上午他们已经愉快地观光浏览两天了
  Behind them, the door opened and Mr. Bell, the chief auditor, put his head into the room 在他们背后,门开了,审计主任贝尔先生将头伸进屋来。
  Behind me, and drew me backward by the hair;;And a voice said in mastery, while I strove, -- 在移动,而且一把揪住了我的发,;往后拉,还有一声吆喝(我只是在挣扎)
  相似短语 behind in 误期,落后,耽搁,拖延 behind with 落后,拖延,耽搁 be behind with 拖欠 拖延 不能如期完成 be behind in 拖欠 拖延 不能如期完成 be behind 延迟, 落后 leave behind 留下,忘记带;遗留;把…丢在后面,超过 stay behind 留下来 behind the scenes adv.在后台,在幕后 behind the times 落伍,过时,落在时代后面的 drop behind v.落后,落伍 相似单词 BEHIND 在...的背后;在...的后面;向...的背后
  behind prep. 1.在...的背后;向...的背后;到...的背后 2.(遗留)在...的后面 3.落后于,不如 4.迟于,晚于 5.对...说来已成过去 6.作...的后盾 7.隐藏在. behind scene 幕后的 pull behind 牵引式 behind the screen a. 幕后的 behind the scenes adj. 幕后的 come from behind 后来居上 behind the scene adj. 幕後的 behind the scheming 幕后策划
