终于知晓少儿英语故事:Cat and Mouse猫和老鼠
终于知晓少儿英语故事:Cat and Mouse猫和老鼠

终于知晓少儿英语故事:Cat and Mouse猫和老鼠

作者:qxsi   2022-05-31 01:34:33  点击:79

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  少儿英语故事:Cat and Mouse猫和老鼠
  Cat and Mouse
  There is a cat and a go to heaven,and the yaret her eat the same ,themouse approaches God's throne,and God ask shim,"So,how do you like it up here?"The mouse says,"It'snice,but could lget a pair of roller skates?"God says,"Sure”   So,the mouse get shis roller skates.   Well,the nextday,the cat approaches God's throne,and the same question is directed ,he answers,"It's great! Idid n't know you had meals on wheels up here!"
  一只猫和一只老鼠上了天堂。而且它们同时到了天堂。这只老鼠爬上了上帝的宝座,然后上帝问它,你觉得它怎么样?’   老鼠答道,“它很漂亮,但是我能得到一双溜冰鞋吗?”   上帝答道:“当然可以。”   因此,老鼠得到了一双溜冰鞋。   第二天,这只猫爬到了上帝的宝座,然后上帝也问了它同样的间题。这只猫回答道,“它太棒了。我都不知道您这儿有在轮子上的午餐!”