总算认识少儿英语故事:Nursing Pup还未断奶的小狗
总算认识少儿英语故事:Nursing Pup还未断奶的小狗

总算认识少儿英语故事:Nursing Pup还未断奶的小狗

作者:qxsi   2022-06-01 01:28:01  点击:76

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  少儿英语故事:Nursing Pup还未断奶的小狗
  Nursing Pup   The man was in a hurry to board the airplane and didn't have time to do thepaper work toget his little doggie on the man stashed the puppy down thefront of his pants and snuck him onto the 30 minutes intothe flight,astewardess noticed that the man was squirming in his seat.   "Are you OK,Sir?" the stewardess asked.   "Yes,I' mfine." said the man.   Time went by and again the stewardess noticed strange move ments.   "Are you sure you' reall right,sir?"   "Yes," the man insisted , "But I have a confession to didn' t havetime to do the paper work to bring my puppy on board,sol hid him down the front ofmy pants."   "Isee." the stewardess said , "Well,as long as he's housebroken,Iguess it willbeOK."   "Oh,he' s housebroken," the man replied , "The problem is,he' s not wean ed yet!"   还未断奶的小狗   一个人急看登机,没来得及为自己的小狗办一起登机的手续。所以他把小狗塞在了自己的裤子里面偷偷带上了飞机。飞机起飞半个小时后空中小姐发现这个人在座位上不安地动来动去.   空姐问:“先生,你没事吧?“   这个人说:“是的,我没事.“   又过了一段时间,空姐又发现这个人的举止怪怪的.   “您确定没事儿是吗?“   那个男人坚持说:“没事。但是我必须承认没来得及办手续就让小狗一起登机了,所以我把它塞在裤子里了。“   空姐说:“我知道了。只要它被您调教的好,我觉得没什么问题。”   男人回答说:“它被我调教的挺好的。但问题是它还没断奶呢。”