总算找到少儿英语故事:Helping to Clean the Dishes会做家务的狗
总算找到少儿英语故事:Helping to Clean the Dishes会做家务的狗

总算找到少儿英语故事:Helping to Clean the Dishes会做家务的狗

作者:qxsi   2022-06-01 01:48:02  点击:82

勤学思教育网 电话: 13988888888


  少儿英语故事:Helping to Clean the Dishes会做家务的狗   Helping to Clean the Dishes   Just after the maid had been fired,she took five bucks out of her purse and threwitto Fido,the family dog.   When asked why by her former employer,she answered, "I never forgot was for helping meclean the dishes all the time!"   会做家务的狗   女仆被辞退后从钱包里掏了五美元扔给了主人家里的小狗费多。   她的前主人问为什么她给了小狗五美元。女仆回答说:“我是从来不会忘记我的朋友的。这是为了感谢它一直以来帮我洗盘子。”