别人给你提了建议,你接受还是拒绝呢?放在中文很容易就可以表述清楚,但是放在英语里,你会怎么接受或者拒绝别人么?一起来看同意拒绝的英语情景对话。Conversation 1
A: I think we should go to Italy for our holiday this year. You know how much we enjoyed it last time. B: Yeah, but it was expensive. The hotel was the most expensive one I've stayed in. A: No, not really. The hotel in Sweden was more expensive than the one in Italy, and the one in Italy was cleaner, as well. B:Anyway, the holiday in Sweden was cheaper than the holiday in Italy and the most expensive holiday I've ever had was in Italy. A:No, it wasn't. But do you think that was the most enjoyable holiday we've ever had? B:Yes, that's right. And it was the most exciting as well. A: OK, let's go to Italy then.
A:我觉得今年我们应该到意人利去度假。你知道,上次我们在那儿玩得多开心啊。 B:是的,但是花销也很大。那儿的旅馆是我所住过的旅馆中昂贵的。 A:不是这样。在瑞典住的旅馆比在意大利住的旅馆还要贵。而且意大利的那家旅馆也更干净。 B:不管怎么说,在瑞典度过的假日比在意大利度过的假日要便宜。在我所度过的假日中花销一次就是在意大利了。 A:不是的。但是,你觉得在意大利度过的假日是不是我们所度过的开心的假日? B:是的,你说得对。那次度假也是令人激动的。 A:好哇,那么我们就去意大利度假吧。
Conversation 2
A: What's the matter, Li? You seem to be restless today. B: You see, I've been offered a new job,and I can't decide whether to take it or not. A: Well, that's easy. If it's better than the one you're doing now, go for it. That's my advice. B: It isn't that easy. I hate to quit my present job. People around me are very nice,and the work itself is challenging. A: Then what about the salary? Would you get more? B: Yes. They say I'll get a big sum. A: Have you discussed it with your wife? B: Yes. She leaves it up to me. A: Right, you'd better make it yourself. B: I agree.
A:怎么啦,李?你今天好像有点心神不定。 B:有人给我提供了一份新工作,我在犹豫该不该接受。 A:这还不容易?如果新工作比你现有的这份条件要好,干吗不去?这是我的建议。 B:事情并不那么简单。我不想离开我的工作,因为周围的人都对我不错,而且工作也很有挑战性。 A:那薪水呢?新工作会挣得更多吗? B:是的,收人会很可观。 A:你和你太太商量过么? B:商量过,她让我自己决定。 A:对,你比较好自己决定。 B:我同意。
Conversation 3
A: When can we expect you for dinner? Can you come tonight? B: Not tonight. I have something urgent to do. A: Can't you do it later? B: No, it's very urgent. A: Well,how about Friday then? B: That sounds fine. A: Good. Shall we say seven o'clock? B: I'll be there!You're a wonderful cook, aren't you? A: That'll be for you to decide. I've got a new dish that I want to try out on you. B: I'm ready.
A:你什么时候能来和我们一起吃顿饭?今晚能来吗? B:今晚不行。我有点儿急事要办。 A:你不能以后再办吗? B:不行,这事儿很急。 A:哦,星期五怎么样? B:那可以。 A:好极了。那就说好7点钟行吗? B:我一定到。你是个很棒的厨师,是吗? A:那得由你来判断。我新学会一道菜,想拿你试试手艺。 B:我准备好了。
Conversation 4
A: Tom. how long will you be in China? B: I don't know. Well,my contract here is for one year and I don't know that I should do after that. Maybe going around for a while. A: Well,have you ever thought about learning some Chinese? B: Actually, I am learning that now. But it's too hard for me. You know the 4 tones and the stuff. It really freaks me out. A: Don't worry. All things are difficult before they arc easy. B: You hit the nail right on the head. A: Well, arc you interested in some language-exchange program? B: What is it? A: It's where I teach you Chinese and in exchange you teach me English. B: Awesome, I have been giving this a lot of thought. When can we do this? A: How about this Saturday? B: OK, cool. A: Good, I'll give you a call tonight. B: No problem. A: Bye.
A:汤姆,你要在中国待多久? B:不知道。我在这里的合同是一年的,我也不知道之后该干点什么.也许会四处走走。 A:有没有想过学点汉语? B:事实上我正在学,但对我来说那太难了。你知道4种声调那些东西,真够烦的。 A:别担心,万事开头难嘛。 B:你说得有道理。 A:你有兴趣参加语言交换活动吗? B:什么意思? A:在这个活动中,我教你汉语然后你教我英语。 B:太好了,我一直在想这个问题。什么时候开始? A:这周六怎么样? B:好啊。 A:好,我今晚给你打电话。 B:没问题。 A:再见。