

作者:qxsi   2022-06-02 05:06:40  点击:70

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  方法一:欲擒故纵法   It is generally acknowledged that+现象/话题.Some peopleare convinced that+辩题改写,but/and I tend to disagree/agree with this perspective/point of view/statement.
  实战案例:Some people think that to prevent illnesses, it is more important for the government to spend money in promoting healthy lifestyles than to spend it on the treatment of people who are already what extent do you agree or disagree?   It is generally acknowledged that a sizable percentage of people are developing aseries of illness esasa resultofunhealthy people are convincedthatgovernment should give financial support to promote healthy lifestyles instead of spending money in treating the ill, but I tend to disagree with this opinion.
  As a result of+现象/话题,there arises a sizzling debate concerning whether+辩题改写Overall/Ingeneral,Itendtobelievethat...
  方法剖析:第一句话,前半句通过asa resultof的形式引出现象或主题,后半句话引出辩题。第二句话,表达自己的观点。这种开头段的方法可以用于所有问题类型。
  实战案例:Some people feel that education should be provided exclusively by the state,and that private education should be prohibited. To what extent do you agree ordisagree?   As a result of constant bankruptcy of many private education providers inAustralia, a sizzling debateconcerningwhethereducation should be afforded solelybythe state and private education should be restricted has been initiated. Overall, Itend to maintain that both types of education should beaccessible to people.
  改写话题, which sparks off/contributes to/triggers acontentious/sizzling/fierce/heated issue/discussion/ argument regarding+改写辩题或要求。
  方法剖析:这种开头段的方式由一句话构成,前半句是对现象或话题的改写且比较好是简单句,否则读起来比较吃力;后半句通过非限制性定语从句的形式引出辩题。这种方法可用于所有问题类型。语言准备:该方法核心的内容是掌握非限制性定语从句并能够灵活运用,除此之外,考生还应熟记相应的同义词,从而在考场上灵活替换。由于该方法适用多种考题,所以,考生可以根据需要添加提出观点的内容。   实战案例:There is atrendthatan increasing numberof people liveontheirown. Whyisthiscase?Do you think that is a good trend or not?   Currently, a growing number of people tend to live in dependently,which sparksoff a contentious discussion regarding the root causes of this phenomenon andwhether this trend is positive or negative.
  方法四:Some people believethat+改写一方观点,while others areconvinced that+改写另一方观点。   方法剖析:这种开头段由两部分构成,每一部分分别改写题目中对立的两个观点,多用于观点评估类的问题。   实战案例:Some people think visitors to others countries should imitate local customs andbehaviours. Some people disagree; they think the host country should welcomecultural differences. Discuss the two viewsand give your opinion.   Some would deem that people traveling to other countries should follow thelocal traditions. However, others hold the view that cultural diversity should beaccepted bythe recipient countries. In this essay, both argumentswill beexplored.