

作者:qxsi   2022-06-03 02:02:43  点击:44

勤学思教育网 电话: 13988888888


  现代汉语对宾语的解释是:宾语是动词的一种连带成分,一般在动词后面,用来回答“谁”或“什么”。例如“我找写作老师”的“写作老师”,“他开宝马车”的“宝马车”,“他说他不知道雅思”的“他不知道雅思”。有时候一个动词可以带两个宾语,如。“教我们英语”的“我们”和“英语”。换成英语就是:He teaches us English.
  △值得注意的是,除及物动词有宾语之外,英语介词后面也要有宾语。另外,某些形容词如worth, careful等后也可有宾语。构成:及物动词/介词/某些形容词+宾语。
  We must cherish the limited resources of our planet.(及物动词+宾语)。   我们必须珍惜我们星球上有限的资源。
  ·Many people are strongly against animal experimentation.(介词+宾语)。   很多人强烈反对动物实验。
  Some people hold that cloning technology is worth developing.(形容词+宾语)。   一些人认为克隆技术是值得研究开发的。
  常作宾语的有名词、宾语从句、v-ing(动名词)和to do(动词不定式)四种。
  Due to computer games, young students often turn a blind eye to the outside world.   归咎于电脑游戏,中小学生常常对外面的世界视而不见。
  We don't seem to know when we can solve the pressing problem of global warming.   我们似乎并不清楚什么时候才能解决全球变暖这个棘手的问题。
  We consider it absolutely necessary that we should learn to cherish the limited resources on our planet.   我们应当学会珍惜我们星球上有限的资源,这是生死攸关的。
  ‘Nobody can avoid being influenced by media.   没有人能够避开媒体对自己的影响。
  The glory of the marshal counts on many soldiers dying on the battlefield.   一将成名万骨枯。
  As to whether the space technology is worth developing, people seem to have different ideas.   对于太空技术是否值得发展,人们持有不同的看法。
  to do(动词不定式)作宾语
  On the other hand, advertisements try to persuade people to buy things which they don't really need.   另一方面,广告试图说服人们购买他们实际上并不需要的东西。
  She regards it as of great importance for us to update our knowledge in order to maintain our professional competence in this highly competitive society.[动词不定式复合结构(for sb. to do sth.)]   她认为在竞争非常激烈的社会,不断更新自己的知识以保持自己的专业能力是很重要的。
  More and more people consider it little use to spend money and energy on space exploration.   越来越多的人认为花费金钱和能源在太空探索上几乎是没有用处的。