明喻是根据人们的联想,利用不同事物之间的相似点,借助比喻词(如like,as,等)起连接作用,清楚地说明甲事物(本体)在某方面像乙事物(喻体)。 例句A; Marriage is like a beleaguered fortress: those who are witho“一want to get in, andthose within want to get out.婚姻像一座围城:外面的人想进去,里边的人想出来。(like型)例句B: My brain was as powerful as a dynamo, as precise as a chemist's scales, aspenetrating as a scalpel.我的头脑像发电机那样强大有力,像药剂师的天平那样准确,像外科医师的手术刀那样锋利。( as型) 例句C: He woke them both up getting to bed, but when they tried to wake him upafterwards they might have tried to wake the dead他去睡觉的时候把他们两个都弄醒,但是后来他们设法唤醒他时,简直就像唤死人一样。(虚拟型)例句。;Reading is to the mind what exercise is to the body.阅读之于思想.犹如锻炼之于身体。)( what型) 例句E: A home without love is no more than a body without a soul.没有爱的家无异于一其没有灵魂的躯体。(than型) 例句F: Words and feathers are tossed by the wind.言语如羽毛.风刮到处飘。(and型)
汉普森英语学校小编提醒大家暗喻无需借助比喻词,而直接将甲事物当作乙事物来描写。在表达上可以是一个单词、一个词组或一个句子,甚至是一个段落。 例句A:Money is a bottomless sea, in which honour, conscience, and truth may be drowned金钱是无底的海洋,荣誉、良心和真理都可以淹没在其中。(名词型)例句B: The boy wolfed down the food the moment he grabbed it.那男孩一抓到食物便狼吞虎咽般地吃了下去。(动词型) 例句C: The mountainous waves swallowed up the ship.山一般的巨浪吞没了那艘航船、(形容词型) 例句D: A policeman waved me out of the snake of traffic and flagged me to stop.一个整警察招手让我从长蛇般的车流中出来,并示意我停车。( of短语型)
汉普森英语学校小编认为引喻是指人们在口头或书面表达时引用出自神话、童话、传说、寓言、民俗、宗教及文学名著等带典故性的词语,并使之与叙述或论说融为一体,借隐喻以增强说服力和感染力。 例句A: Their new constitution was a fig leaf to conceal their betrayal of the masses.他们的新宪法是一块遮羞布,用以掩盖他们时民众的背叛。(该典故出于《圣经·创世纪》:亚当与夏娃偷食禁果后心明眼亮,发觉自己赤身裸体。便以无花果树叶遮羞。)例句B; The candidate met his Waterloo in the national elections.该候选人在全国大选中透到惨败。 (Waterloo指比利时城镇滑铁卢,1815年拿破仑率军在此与英国惠灵顿将军的军队交战,遭到惨败。)