

作者:qxsi   2022-06-11 07:07:26  点击:49

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  雅思写作大作文范文|关于零花钱的雅思范文。雅思写作中大作文占的比重颇高,话题涵盖学术、生活等各个领域。珠海启德对历年常见的雅思作文考题进行分析,为广大考生提供范文与解析,以下就是珠海启德小编为您整理的:雅思写作大作文范文|关于零花钱的雅思范文。   Nowadays parents like to give pocket money to their kids as a meansof think it has some negative aspects. What are theadvantages and disadvantages ofpocket money?   With the development of our modern society, people's livingconditions have becomemuch more comfortable. But along with intensecompetition, parents have less time to considerchildren's needscomprehensively. One method to solve this contradiction is to give childrensome pocket money. Pocket money is useful to children. But it is debatedwhether children are capable enough to make correct use of the money. There aretwo viewpoints aboutthe pocket money. Some people think that giving childrenpocket money will make them become luxurious. Others think that will not leadto such disadvantage. In my opinion, both ofthem are partially reasonable. Someone believes that giving children pocket money really has manyadvantages. Withpocket money, children can buy their daily necessities such aspencils, little toys, and snackfood they like. It will give children a certainfreedom to select what they want, make themaware rules of the equivalentexchange. Since time to parents is very precious, giving pocketmoney tochildren help them to save time spent in shopping, but used in busy workingandearning money.   Others insist that there are undoubtedly some disadvantages inspending pocket , young children do not know how to use pocketmoney appropriately, they possiblyconsume all the money to buy expensivemerchandise that they like, and then ask for extramoney from their parents cosset their children, and always give them a largeamount ofpocket money. Such conditions will make children become more and , since adults do not supervise the procedure of shopping, children couldprobably buy something that is not suitable for their age, such as adultmagazines.   Judging these two viewpoints above-mentioned, I think that parentsshould give theirchildren a limited amount of pocket money. There are somepreconditions: the amount ofpocket money must be finite; the parents shouldinstruct their children how to use the moneymoderately and what is suitable tothem. As for a costly piece of merchandise, parents themselves should takechildren to buy it. With these prerequisites, pocket money will do noharm totheir children.   以上就是珠海启德小编为您整理的:雅思写作大作文范文|关于零花钱的雅思范文。同时珠海启德小编也建议各位雅思学子平时多看多写雅思作文,雅思考试时才能行云流水,一气呵成。