

作者:qxsi   2022-06-11 12:12:27  点击:51

勤学思教育网 电话: 13988888888


Question: Some people think that the government should establish free libraries in each town. Others, however, believe that it is a waste of money since the public can use the Internet at home to obtain information. Discuss both sides and give your own opinion. 这个题目的话题核心词是获取信息。也就是说,无论是图书馆还是因特网,其目的都是要通过这些媒介来获取信息。在准备这道题目的时候,考生们应该注意的是题目中的限制性词汇:free。这说明金钱问题将会成为支持图书馆的一个分论点。其次,雅思考生们需要避免将中国式的图书馆和题目中问的图书馆混为一谈。很多学生在探讨图书馆的时候,都会把图书馆说成一个安静的自习的地方。但是其实这只是中国国情。图书馆本身就是借书,还书的地方。而且,这个题目所探讨的话题是获取信息,所以,凡是和获取信息无关的内容都属于跑题。下面我们来欣赏一篇由朗阁雅思培训中心的专家们给出的雅思大作文范文解析与建议,供广大的烤鸭们参考: 1st argument: Despite the sheer volume of a diverse range of information available online, the exorbitant price of computer and Internet access in many regions of the world have rendered library the sole viable source of information to the majority of population around the world. An average computer, priced around US$1000, is apparently beyond the purchasing power of many rural poor, whose annual income is hovering around US$400. Besides, the daunting set of computer operations involved has also excluded the senior citizens in our society, most of whom are computer illiterate and unwilling to ride along the wave of Internet development due to their fear of high-tech products. 2nd argument: The reliability and accuracy of information online are by no means comparable to that of print media stored in libraries. User-oriented by nature, the Internet is largely characterized as a repository of contents contributed by anonymous, unverified online users, making it an unlikely source for researchers who hope to find some professional knowledge in a particular field of discipline. By contrast, the printed books are mostly authored by experts in their each respective specialized area of study and are thus more reliable and accurate. 3rd argument: Internet as a novel source and carrier of information overcomes the space limitations constraining traditional printed books. A national library may at best house millions of books; the Internet, in comparison, can provide million times more information. More importantly, as increasing importance has been attached to the speed of information update, library is evidently rendered obsolete as a result, for many books available for loan in libraries are simply too old! 思路:整篇雅思作文范文支持的观点是图书馆相比网络来说是更好的信息传播的工具。总共有两个分论点支持图书馆,一个分论点支持网络。首先,第一个分论点是从金钱的角度和这两种媒体所针对的人群数量来说图书馆具有优越性的。首先,全世界只有三分之一左右的人群能够上网,所以说图书馆对于大多数贫穷的人来说仍然是罕有的的信息来源。而且,图书馆是免费的,也就是说人们可以随时来这里借阅书籍,不需要花任何的费用。而且,对于很多老年人来说,他们都不会使用科技产品。而且,很多老年人都非常地排斥科技产品的使用。他们并不喜欢使用这些产品。第二个分论点是从信息质量的方面来说。网络上的内容都是网上用户自己发的,这些信息的真实度并没有得到很好的认证。所以,如果想要去找专业的内容,网络的信息恐怕并没有任何的参考价值。而书,从另一方面来说,则是专业人士所写的。所以,书里面的信息的准确度和可靠度非常高。 相反的,网络相比来说的好处自然是信息量非常的大,这是图书馆所不能与之相比拟的。同时,网络正是利用了信息科技的发展,所以才能将新的资讯第一时间传递给大众。这样一来,人们得到的才是一手的,新的资料和信息。如果考生选择同意反方的话,可以考虑举几个例子来说明。比如说,对于做研究的人来说,他们不需要了解十几年前这个领域的发展情况,因为他们早已了解,可能已经烂熟于胸了。他们需要了解的是新的领域的研究。所以,图书馆里面一些很旧的书籍显然已经不能满足人们的需要了。所以,这就需要人们去网络上搜索新的资料。同时反方还有一个分论点就是如果是建立图书馆的话,那么就需要很多的资源,这都需要政府的大量投入。但是一旦建成,如果利用率低的话,就是浪费纳税人的钱。 expressions: sheer volume 大量的,非常多的 a diverse range of 广泛地,各种各样的 exorbitant 非常昂贵的 render 使得… sole 罕有的的 viable 可行的 beyond the purchasing power 超越了购买能力 hover around 大约在多少徘徊 daunting 有挑战的 exclude 不包括 senior citizens 老年人 computer illiterate 不懂电脑的人 ride along the wave 乘着什么的浪潮 by no means 绝不 user-oriented 以用户为中心 be characterized as 以什么为特点 repository 知识库 anonymous 匿名的 unverified 没有经过验证的 field of discipline 学科领域 by contrast 与之形成对比的是 specialized 专长的
