

作者:qxsi   2022-06-14 01:06:00  点击:103

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Tobacco Industry Fumes over Passive Smoking
A America's tobacco industry has launched a fresh assault in its war against the anti smoking movement. Six tobacco groups are suing the US Environmental Protection Agency, claiming that its recent report on the dangers of secondhand smoke is based on sloppy science and is unfairly damaging their trade. Anti smoking groups say the lawsuit is a Canute-like attempt to stem a tide of anti smoking legislation sweeping the US.

B In January, the EPA released a long-awaited report on passive smoking. It considered more than 30 studies around the world that compared the incidence of lung cancer in nonsmoking women whose husbands smoked with that in those whose husbands did not. The report concluded that wives of smokers had a higher risk of developing lung cancer, and that the risk increased with the amount of smoke smoking causes 3,000 deaths a year from lung cancer in deaths a year from lung cancer in the US alone, it said. On the basis of this and other evidence—for instance that smoke is clearly carcinogenic when inhaled directly——the EPA added environmental tobacco smoke to its list of known human carcinogens. The report also concluded that secondhand smoke aggrvates asthma and causes respiratory illness and car infections in children.

C The tobacco industry countered that the study was shoddy and misleading, character is ed by " a preference for political correctness over sound science". The tobacco groups pointed out that the increased incidence of lung cancer was seen only when the statistical test was relaxed from the usual 95 per cent confidence to a less rigorous 90 per cent. They also accused the EPA of ignoring several studies that contradict the agency's conclusions.

D On 22 June, the six groups - Philip Morris, R. J. Reynolds Tobacco and four groups representing growers and retailers - jointly sued the EPA to have the study declared null and void, and to throw out human carcinogen classification, which they claim goes beyond the EPA's legal mandate. "Unfortunately, it is the tobacco farmers, their families and their communities who - if the EPA is not stopped - will have to pay for this misguided actions, " says John Berry, a lawyer for the Council for Burley Tobacco of Lexington, Kentucky.

E The EPA stands by its report. "We've been hearing them for years," says spokesman Dave Ryan. "We think the suit is frivolous. " Major mu;dical groups also back the report. "This lawsuit is just another example of tobacco conglomerates blowing smoke in the faces of Americans," says Lonnie Bristow, chair of the American Medical Association's Board of Trustees. " An industry that kills 450,000 citizens every year cannot be trusted. "

F The charge of scientific manipulation is unfounded, says Morton Lippmann, a lung expert from New York University who chaired an external review of the EPA report. The 90 per cent confidence limit is reasonable the difficulties of studying secondhand smoke, he says, as was the omission of some recent studies. "You could wait forever for this study and the next study and the next study," he says. In fact, the additional studies they're sa anxious to include couldn't possibly change the conclusion. The omitted study most often cited by the tobacco industry found a 30 per cent increase in the risk of lung cancer in passive smokers exposed to the highest levels of also notes that the EPA report, while the most complete,is not the first study to conclude that passive smoking increases the risk of cancer.

G Anti smoking groups think the suit is a desperate attempt to stop the inevitable. Athena Mueller of Action on Smoking and Health points out that more than 40 states now have at least some restrictions on smoking in public places. And if a bill now before California's senate is passed, smoking at work could for the first time be banned across an entiire state. Mueller doubts if the tobacco industry's lawsuit holds water. "This is a scientific finding," she says. "You can no more sue the EPA for this than you could sue Einstein for the theory of relativity. "

  The reading passage has seven paragraphs A-G. Choose -the most suitable headings for paragraphs B-G from the list of headings below. Write the appropriate numbers (i-ix) in the spaces provided.
  NB There are more headings than paragraphs so you will not use all of them. You may use any of the headings more than once.

1 Dangers of passive smoking
2 EPA's opinion of the lawsuit
3 Activists' opinion of the lawsuit
4 Tobacco industry vs. the EPA
5 Chances of developing lung cancer
6 Stop the EPA
7 importance of cigarette warnings
8 A groundless report
9 A report as good as any

Example Answer

Paragraph A 4

(1)Paragraph B
(2)Paragraph C
(3)Paragraph D
(4)Paragraph E
(5)Paragraph F
(6)Paragraph G