想要取得托福写作的高分希望大家一定要重视托福写作高分范文的积累,多多了解一下托福写作技巧是什么,深圳小编为您提供托福作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于媒体过分关注名人的托福作文范文。Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Television,newspapers,magazines, and other media pay too much attention to the personal lives of famous people such as public figures and celebrities. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion. Oh, no! Lindsay Lohan has flunked out of rehab again!And Paris Hilton swears that the cocaine the cops found in her purse wasn't hers. And Prince William's fiancee (the future Queen of England一gasp!) was seen leaving a pub late at night-WITHOUT THE PRINCE! There's not a day goes by that some media outlet (People magazine and the British tabloid The Sun, to name just two out of thousands) pays contributing paparazzi handsome fees to publish their photos of famous people looking unusually ugly. The Germans call it schadenfreude (delight in the misery of others). Any intelligent and tolerant person should call it TMI (Too Much Information). In the first place, the reporting of such "news" is a horrible invasion of the subject's privacy. What does it matter to a moviegoer that Lindsay Lohan is a drug addict-she's an actress, for goodness' sake; she's not the President of the United States or the Premier of China. If she gets doped up and makes a bad film, who does that hurt? The rest of us should not be obsessed with what goes on in a celebrity's private life; rather, we should perhaps thank our lucky stars that complete strangers could care less about whether we are being unfaithful to our spouses or have gained or lost too much weight. Secondly, the veracity of such "exposes" is almost always subject to suspicion. In 1981,actress Carol Burnett won a libel judgment against a US tabloid, the National Enquirer,after the paper said she had been seen drunk in a public restaurant. In 2009, Sharon Osbourne (TV personality and wife of rocker Ozzy Osbourne) won a lawsuit against The Sun, which said that she was "driving her frail husband to destruction" and trying to keep him working until he "dies on stage." Did British soccer star David Beckham really hook up with a hooker? Did singer/actor Justin Timberlake have an affair with a model while he was going steady with Cameron Diaz? It would seem that the mass media would prefer to take a chance and publish a lie, so long as they can sell more magazines or newspapers. There does not seem to be much hope for a rg一assess,}nent and/or of such salacious (and often slanderous) stories. As the saying goes, "Any publicity一good or bad一is still publicity." Even in the early 19th century, sales of Lord Byron's racy poem, "Don Juan" shot through the roof when readers learned of his many affairs. It is left up to discerning readers to ignore the merely sensational and focus on the truly meaningful.
译文: 你是否同意以下观点?电视、报纸、杂志和其他媒体过于关注名人例如公众人物和社会名流的私生活。请用具体的理由和事例来说明。 噢.天啊!林赛·洛翰又从戒毒所出来了!帕里斯·希尔顿发誓说警察在她的钱包里发现的可卡因不是她的。而威廉王子的未婚姿(未来的英国王后—倒抽一口气)则被发现深夜从酒吧中出来—没有王子的陪同!每天一些新闻媒体(例如《人物》杂志和英国小报《太阳报》就是无数媒体中的其中两家)总会支付给狗仔队可观的报酬来刊登名人们看起来无比丑陋的照片。德国人称之为.“幸灾乐祸”—从别人的不幸中获得乐趣。而聪明和宽容的人则称之为TMI(这是标准的美国口语,意思是告诉别人太多关于你的信息. 可以被理解为:说得太多太具体了—译注) 首先.这类报道严重侵犯了当事人的隐私。拜托,林赛·洛翰只是个女演员,她既不是美国总统也不是中国总理,即便她是个瘾君子,对电影爱好者又会有什么影响呢?如果她因为吸毒而拍了部很差劲的影片,那又能伤害谁呢?我们不应该过分关注名人的私生活;恰恰相反,也许我们应该庆幸陌生人对我们是否出轨、是胖了还是瘦了可能根本不关心。 其次.这些爆料的真实性几乎总是受到大众的质疑。1981年,在美国小报《国家询问报》报进说目睹女星卡罗·贝奈特在公共饭店喝醉酒后。卡罗·贝奈特告其诽谤并胜诉。2009年,电视名人雪伦·奥斯本(重金属大师奥兹·奥斯本的妻子)在与《太阳报》 的官司中胜诉.因为《太阳报》冠与她“摧毁脆弱丈夫”的罪名,并指责她一直通迫自己的丈夫工作,直到死在舞台上。而英国球星大卫·贝克汉姆是否真的与妓女勾搭?歌手兼演员贾斯汀·廷伯莱克在与卡梅隆·迪亚兹交往的时候是否真的与模特有暖昧关系? 看起来.只要能卖出更多的杂志或报纸,媒体就会不惜冒险报道谎言。 这种低俗的且常常诽谤性的故事一经报道便很难复查或者撤回。常言通:“宣传就是无论好坏,消息一经传播,便会广为流传。”早在19世纪早期.当读者听说了拜伦的风流韵事之后,他的特色诗《唐璜》空前大卖。能否忽略新闻的轰动性、看到到那些直正有意义的消息.则取决于有辨识力的读者。