

作者:qxsi   2022-06-18 21:28:17  点击:32

勤学思教育网 电话: 13988888888



Dear Editor,   Many college students have no concept of thrift or frugality in their mind .They take it for granted thatl they spend their parents' money before they start to earn for themselves after graduation.   Their extravagant2 spending is primarily caused by the following factors . First of all,most students are the only child .They are the apple of their family's eyes3 and naturally get more attention and pocket money .In addition,with the improvement in living standards,parents can afford to spend more on their children.
   Yours truly    Li Ming

  尊敬的编辑:   很多大学生思想中没有节俭的观念。似门想当然地认为自己毕业后开始挣钱之前可以花父母的钱。   大学生奢侈消费主要是由下述原因造成的.首先,大多数学生都是家里的独生子女。他们是家人的掌上明珠,自然得到更多的照顾和零花钱.其次,随着生活水平的提高,家长们负担得起孩引门更高的开销.   依我看,大学生作为纯粹的消费者应该学会节俭.我们应该只把钱花在日常必需品上,而且不能不论要价随意消费.节俭的习惯可以帮助我们形成正确的价值观,还有利于我们的未来发展.    您真诚的,    李明

亮点表达 1 .take it for granted that 想当然地认为 2·extravagant adj.奢侈的 3·be the apple of sb.'s eye是某人的心肝宝贝/掌上明珠 4 .in my view 依我看 5·regardless of 不管,不顾 6 .be favorable to/for 有利于 佳句拓展 1 Your recent articles and editorials on this issue filled me with the deepest disappointment. 近贵报关于这个问题的文章及社论使我非常失望. 2 I have read your editorial and I quite go along with most of your views. 我读了贵报的社论,非常赞同你们的大部分观点。 3 1 have been reading your newspaper for many years with great enthusiasm and interest. 多年来我一直怀着极大的热情和兴趣阅读贵报.   以上广州文都教育小编整理的认识关于节俭的作文范文,广州文都教育常年开设考研集训、考研英语、考研政治等课程,欢迎大家进入广州文都考研首页进行详细的了解想咨询。
