

作者:qxsi   2022-06-21 18:18:22  点击:59

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  经典句型背一背   Reliability is our strong point.   可靠性正是我们产品的优点。   Our product is over and above our rival's product,and yet we're able to sell it at the sameprice.   我们的产品优于竞争对手的产品,但是我们可以以同样的价格出售。   Our product is brightly colored and beautifully designed.   我们的产品色彩艳丽,设计精美。   Our products have the quality of being durable.   我们的产品经久耐用。   Our goods are superior in quality compared with those of other manufacturers.   和其他厂商相比,我们的产品质量上乘。   We are a business suit company,we offer a variety of business suit.   我们是一家西装公司,经营各式各样的西服。   OUr extensive advertising has saved many firms from the verge of bankruptcy.   我们公司的广告做得很好,曾使好几家濒临破产的公司得以复生。   Yes. I have brought some catalogues of machine tools .I wonder if you一manager would like tohave a look at them.   是的。我带来了一些机床的产品目录。我想你们经理可能想看一看它们。   I would like to buy a handset,but I am not clear which one is the you help me?   我想买一部手机,我不知道选哪家的手机好,你能帮我挑选吗?   Yes,I would like to buy a MP4. Can you tell me about the models you have?   嗯。我想买一个MP4。你能告诉我你有什么不同的款式吗?
  模仿对话练一练   A:How about it compare with your old models?   B:It's different in many goes longer. And it's lighter andmuch easier to operate.   A:I'm not sure. Can you show me how it works,Please?   B:OK. Here is fairly clear instruction book .Be sure, to read itcarefully before using it .And now I'll be pleased to give you ademonstration of how to get it started.   A:Thank you.   B:Well,first,plug the oven into a power point and switch on the power .And then close theoven door. After that,touch the Start/Stop pad so that a beep sound is heard .That's all.   It's really easy and simple to operate·   A:Thank you .I think I'll buy this one.
  深圳汉普森老师译文:   A:它与你们的老型号相比如何?   B:在很多方面都不一样。更耐用、更轻、更易操作。   A:我拿不准。能给我示范一下吗?   B:行,这是详细的使用说明书。使用前请仔细阅读。现在我给您示范一下如何使用。   A:谢谢。   B:把微波炉插头插入电源插座,接通电源,关上炉门,触按开始/停止软键,之后听到“哗”的声音就行了。就这样,很容易操作。   A:谢谢。我就买这个。   以上就是深圳汉普森小编为您整理的关于推销的商务英语对话,深圳汉普森常年开外教一对一、英语口语、少儿英语、商务英语、英语补习等课程,欢迎大家进入深圳汉普森首页进行详细了解与咨询。