

作者:qxsi   2022-06-21 19:37:53  点击:52

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  Corporal punishment has been practiced in families for quite a long time. In recentyears, people's attitudes towards this practice have undergone drastic changes.   Nowadays many people strongly oppose it. Should corporal punishment beabolished?
  Sample Answer   Psychologists warn the parents to respect children's freedom and rights. A good old-fashioned corporal punishment is out of the question. On the other hand, cases ofcorporal punishment are reported to take place in families now and then. Indeed, theissue whether or not corporal punishment should be abolished has aroused a heateddiscussion among people.   Those who strongly advocate that corporal punishment should not be abolishedhave cogent reasons for it. First of all, as a proverb says, "spare the rod, spoil thechild".Children should be taught to respect discipline, which is the basis of allachievements. Little children are like young trees. In order to grow well, they need tobe carefully irrigated, fertilized and trimmed. Furthermore, it helps to reinforce theauthority of teachers and parents. Children are hardy creatures. Sometimes they willtest the patience of their parents and teacher; teachers and parents should not betoo permissive; otherwise they will spoil the children.   But the people who hold the view that corporal punishment should be abolished alsohave sound reasons. In the first place, it seriously violates the legal rights andinterests of are human beings too. They enjoy the same equalhuman rights as adults do. Their parents have no right to exercise corporalpunishment on them. In addition, children may be hurt psychologically. Researchesreveal that students who suffer from corporal punishment tend to resort to violencein their future life. Last but not least, it endangers children's physical development. Itis a kind of brutality and cruelty which may lead to injury or even death of thechildren. Recently it is reported in the newspaper that one child lost his hearing dueto his father's cruelty.   When we consider these two sides more carefully, we can see that corporalpunishment does more harm than good to children.   Their rights are violated by the uncivilized action. It is detrimental tochildren's physical and mental development. Therefore, corporal punishmentshould by all means be forbidden in families.
  深圳环球雅思老师译文:   心理学家警告家长应尊重孩子们的自由和权力。那种传统的好办法一一体罚-是根本行不通的。另一方面,据报道这种肉体惩罚的案例却会偶尔出现在家庭之中。关于肉体惩罚是否应该被废止的问题确实在人群中引起了一场激烈的讨论。   那些强烈赞成体罚不应该被废除的人理由充分。首先,就像谚语说的一样,“不打不成材”。我们应该教育孩子们去遵守纪律,这是取得一切成就的基础。小孩子就像小树苗一样。为了茁壮成长,他们需要被仔细灌溉,施肥和修剪。此外,这种惩罚有助于老师和家长巩固他们的威信。孩子们是很倔强的。有时他们会考验他们父母和老师的耐心,而父母和老师不应该太过娇惯他们。否则就会宠坏孩子。   而那些认为体罚应该被废除的人也是义正词严。首先,它严重违反了孩子们的合法权利和利益。孩子也是人。他们和成年人享有同等的权力。家长们没有权力去对孩子们实行肉体惩罚。另外,孩子们可能会遭到心理上的伤害。研究表明遭受过肉体惩罚的孩子在以后的生活中更易于使用暴力。后,这会危及孩子们的身体发育。这是一种野蛮而且残忍的行为,很可能会导致孩子的受伤甚至死亡。近报纸上的报道说一个孩子因为他父亲的残忍行为而失聪。   当我们仔细考虑这两方面意见时,我们会发现肉体惩罚对孩子是弊大于利的。他们的权力被这种很不文明的举动侵犯了。这对孩子心理和生理的发育成长都是有害的。因此,应该尽一切办法禁止家庭中的肉体惩罚。   以上就是深圳环球雅思小编为您整理的关于体罚孩子的雅思作文范文,深圳环球雅思小编后啰嗦一句,语言都是模仿而来,包括考官本人的英文知识也是日积月累地模仿而来,以深圳环球雅思多年的雅思教学经验来看,希望大家永远记住一句话:所有考试都是将合格的学生考出来,而不是将不合格的考生考出去。