Some people believe that children should engage in educational pursuits in their spare time, otherwise they are wasting their time. Do you agree or disagree?
Sample Answer Today, education has become a priority for many parents seeking to secure a good future for their children in this rapidly changing world. They believe that if their children apply themselves and work hard at school, then they will increase their opportunities to go for a higher education and eventually get a good job. Of course they are right, and as access to the best education and best job is becoming more competitive, then it is true that children have to make the best of their study time when they are young. However, the parents who do not allow their children sufficient free time for leisureactivi ties outside school hours are misguided. Such activities are far from being a waste of time for the children simply because they are not academic. It is import anttremember that children need to develop skills other than intellectual ones, and the best way to achieve this is through activities such as sports, games and playing with other kids. If they cannot play make一believe games, how can they develop the irimagination? How can they learn physical co一ordination or learn important socialessons about the winning and losing if they do not practise any sports? Many children develop strong personal relationships with their friends they play with, and without the opportunity to this, they could grow up emotionally immature or un formed. Finally, I think it is also important to remember that children need to relax as well as work. If everything they do must have some educational or academic relevance, then they will soon get tired of studying altogether, which is the last thing parents would want.
深圳环球雅思老师译文: 现如今,在这个飞速变化的世界,为了使孩子有更好的未来很多家长都重视教育。他们相了豁口果他们的孩子能充分发挥自己的实力并且在学校里努力学习,然后他们就会获得更多的机会去接受更高的教育,并且终获得不错的工作。当然他们是对的,因为获得比较好的教育或者比较好的工作竞争非常激烈。当孩子还小的时候,他们就应该充分利用他们的学习时间。 然而,那些不允许孩子们在课余时间有充分的时间去做课余活动的家长,是被误导了。 这些活动对孩子来说远非浪费时间而已,只是因为这些活动不是学术性的。而重要的是要记住孩子需要发展知识以外的技能,并且比较好的方式就是通过这些活动来培养,例如体育、游戏以及和同龄人一起玩耍。如果他们连游戏都不能玩,又怎么能培养他们的想象力呢?又怎么能学习身体协调呢?或者如果他们不参加州可体育活动,又怎么能学会得与失的社会经验呢?许多孩子和一起玩耍的朋友们建方友好的关系。没有这种机会,孩子们可能长大后,情感发展会不成熟。 后,我认为要记住:孩子们不仅需要学习,而且也需要放松。如果他们做的每一件事情都必须是有教育意义或者学术意义的,他们很快就会厌倦一切学习,这恐怕也是家长不想看到的。 以上就是深圳环球雅思小编为您整理的关于孩子的空闲时间是否应该用在学业上的雅思作文范文,深圳环球雅思小编后啰嗦一句,语言都是模仿而来,包括考官本人的英文知识也是日积月累地模仿而来,以深圳环球雅思多年的雅思教学经验来看,希望大家永远记住一句话:所有考试都是将合格的学生考出来,而不是将不合格的考生考出去。