

作者:qxsi   2022-06-22 07:12:25  点击:50

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  Some people think that teachers should be responsible for teaching students howto judge right and wrong and how to behave well. Some say that teachers shouldonly teach students about academic subjects. Discuss both views and give youropinion.

  Sample Answer   There is no denying that a teacher's role in the overall development of a student ismultifaceted. As a teacher, one's primary obligation is to teach students academicknowledge. Yet, it is equally important for him to make sure that the students makeprogress in other aspects.   First of all, whether one can effectively pass academic knowledge to the studentsmakes the first and most important criterion for judging him as a qualified orunqualified teacher. The main task for the students to perform at school is to lay asolid foundation for their study at a higher level, thus the task for a teacher is toassist them to achieve this goal.   Second, a teacher's obligation is not just confined to passing on academic knowledgeto the students. The students are also supposed to develop their ability to judgeright from wrong, thus becoming good citizens when they step out of school. To dothis, a teacher will have more roles to play than just teaching academic subjects. Hewill have to set a good example of morality himself and share or discuss with hisstudents his viewpoints towards different phenomena in society. In a sense, apartfrom the role as a pure academic teacher, he also serves the roles of students'   parents at school.   Admittedly, a teacher can relatively be more sure about the academic progress of thestudents, but not that sure about their moral development for the simple reason thatsociety is a big dyeing pool in which one's being dyed into a certain colour is theresult of many factors of which family and many other things also have a role to play.   Therefore, seen from this perspective, the influence of a teacher is, after all, limited.   From the above discussion, we can come to the conclusion that apart from teachingstudents academic subjects, a teacher should also try his best to mould theirpersonality and moral image. Meanwhile, the society as a whole is also supposed towork together to ensure the students' overall development.
  佛山老师译文:   毋庸置疑,老师在学生全面发展的道路上所发挥的作用是多方面的。作为教师,就是向学生传授学术知识,然而,确保学生在其他方面取得进步亦是同样重要的。   首先,能否有效地向学生传授学术知识是评判一名教师合格与否的首要的、同时也是为重要的标准。学生在校期间的主要任务就是为更高层次的学习奠定扎实基础,因此,教师的任务就是帮助他们达到预期的目标。   第二,老师的职责并非仅仅局限于向学生传授学术知识。学生还应该不断提升自己辨别是非的能力,从而可以在走出校门时成为好公民。要做到这一点,老师要扮演的角色就不只是教授文化课这么单一了。他需要为学生树立道德典范并针对社会上诸多现象与学生分享或交流观点和看法。从某种意义上讲,除了扮演了纯粹的学业教师外,他还扮演了学生们在学校里的父母的角色。   诚然,老师可以相对确保学生学习方面的进步,而在道德规范方面就不见得这么有把握了。   这主要是因为社会是个大染缸,终被染成什么颜色是多方面共同作用的结果,这其中就有家庭和所有其他方面的影响,所以,从这个方面来讲,老师的作用毕竟还是有限的。   由此,我们可以得出这样的结论:老师除了教授学生学术知识外,还应该竭力塑造他们的个性与道德形象,同时,全社会应该协力确保学生们的全面发展。   以上就是佛山小编为您整理的关于教师的职责的雅思作文范文,佛山小编后啰嗦一句,语言都是模仿而来,包括考官本人的英文知识也是日积月累地模仿而来,以佛山多年的雅思教学经验来看,希望大家永远记住一句话:所有考试都是将合格的学生考出来,而不是将不合格的考生考出去。