

作者:qxsi   2022-06-22 12:12:11  点击:63

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  关于理论课程和实用课程雅思作文范文-深圳   想要取得雅思写作的高分希望大家一定要重视雅思写作高分范文的积累,多多了解一下雅思写作技巧是什么,深圳小编为大家整理了一些范文,本篇雅思范文是关于理论课程和实用课程的,一起来看吧。
  Topic:   College students should give priority to practical courses over traditional ones?   I frown when I hear people suggest that job一oriented programs should get a biggershare than traditional ones in curriculums of tertiary educational institutions in thehope that graduates can get easy access to employment. In my opinion, their view isshort-sighted and flawed. Indeed, equal attention should be paid to both academicexcellence and preparation for a working life.
  Every subject performs a unique and important role in a student's personal andmental development. It is true that practical courses like computer science andbusiness courses are very useful and students who are adept at them will have aunique advantage in seeking a job. However, if they know nothing beyond these job-oriented skills, they will become robots rather than human beings. As a result,nations, in the long run, will lose their cultural identities.
  In fact, knowledge of history and geography is an integral part of human beings'   overall qualities. This knowledge, which may seem less practical, is fundamental andnecessary to shape students as useful members of society. For example, historyteaches people about the development of their country, thus establishing a sense ofnational identity and pride. People with a knowledge of geography are generallymore environmentally conscious, which, in the long run, is essential to achievingsustainable economic development and ensuring the survival of human beings.   In fact, without the benefit of knowledge of history and geography, students cannotdo well in learning practical courses either. Students pursuing business courses will beinvolved in cross一cultural communication. When promoting their products in foreignmarkets, knowing the local culture, history and geography is a key for them to workout a successful marketing strategy.   A graduate with a wide range of knowledge besides his specialized and practical skillswill get on better in society, and such a society will better off as a result. For thesereasons, traditional courses deserve at least equal attention as practical ones.   ▼考官评分:8
  深圳老师译文:   每当我听到人们建议与求职相关的课程应该在高等教育中占主导地位,从而使学生能够很容易找到工作时,我都不是很赞成。我认为这种观点是缺乏远见而且是不完美的。事实上我们应该既要重视学术成绩也要为工作生活做准备。   每一门科目对学生个人和智力的发展有与众不同而且重要的作用。的确,像计算机科学和商务这种实用课程对学生非常有用,那些熟练掌握这些课程的学生在寻找工作的过程中具有得天独厚的优势。然而,如果除了这些求职技能之外一无所知,他们就会成为机器人而不是真正的人。其结果是民族可能会失去她的文化特性。   事实上,历史和地理知识是人类综合素质不可分割的部分。这些知识,看上去好像不是很实用,但是,它们是让学生成为社会有用之才的基本和必备知识。比如说,历史帮助人们了解国家的发展,从而树立民族认同感和自豪感。了解地理知识的人们通常对环境很敏感,这对维持经济发展和确保人类生存是必不可少的。   一个既懂得专业技术和实际技能又学识渊博的毕业生能够很快地适应社会,拥有这样人才的社会也会越来越好。综上所述,传统的课程应该得到与实际课程同样的重视。