

作者:qxsi   2022-06-24 10:07:05  点击:84

勤学思教育网 电话: 13988888888


  托福范文是很多同学备考托福写作的重要资料,但是有些同学却是死记硬背,到了真正考试的时候却不知道如何使用这些背下来的托福范文。北京环球教育小编为大家提供托福范文及其译文,大家要兼收并蓄,奠定良好的词汇语法基础,终形成自己的写作风格,本篇托福范文是关于知识来源的,人们得到的重要的教育是来自学校和课堂之外的,请用具体的理由和事例来说明。以下就是关于知识来源的托福作文范文。   Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important education that a person gets is from the outside of the schools and classrooms. Use specific reasons and examples to support your ideas.
  I agree with the statement that the most important education comes from outside the classroom, though the degree to which this is true, in some cases, depends on what the career goal is. Lectures, book study, and lab experiments are essential for the research scientist but, “outside education” may not have so great an impact on the effectiveness of his research conducted individually in his own lab. But for most people who are in interactive roles in their social and professional lives, the “street一smarts”, the actual experience they get as members of a football team, a chorus, a community service project, and who travel to other provinces or countries are better able to put their classroom knowledge into an effective social, professional, personal perspective which makes them more understanding friends, more helpful colleagues, and more fulfilled individuals.
  The marketer who does not understand the varying tastes and characteristics of those from other areas of the country or world cannot truly understand how to “reach” the customers to convince them to buy his project. The colleague who has never played on a sports team, participated in a community project, or sung in a chorus cannot truly understand the importance of teamwork and shared responsibility. The manager who has never traveled in一country or abroad cannot be truly sensitive to the cultural differences within his staff. Those who have not experienced or seen the difficulties of life that face so many less fortunate, can never really appreciate how lucky they are.
  While it is true that we must have the special knowledge in specific areas of endeavor to have sufficient technical and informational data to do a job, it is the out-of-class experience that gives us the practical social skills and understanding of human nature to allow us to be really effective, efficient, successful, fulfilled individuals in all aspects of life.
  我们确实应该在课堂上学习专业领域的知识,以掌握充足的技术和信息数据来进行工作,然而是课外的经历带给我们实用的社会技能和对人性的了解,让我们在生活中的各个方面变成有效、高效、成功和完满的个体。   以上就是北京环球教育小编为整理的关于知识来源的托福作文范文,小编提醒你,静心地思考你的英文作文同范文文本的差异,学习范文文本的起承转合的技巧,学习范文文本长句短句的错落交叉,学习范文文本的准确用词--这些都是在你的文章有了思路和结构之后阻碍你得高分的重要因素。同时建议有条件的同学参加托福培训班,接受系统的托福培训,以查漏补缺,迅速提升托福成绩。