

作者:qxsi   2022-06-24 11:22:17  点击:65

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  Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is more important to award students for effort (trying or hard working) than for achievement (good grades)。 Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
  In the “real” world, success is measured by results, not efforts. If, for example, an employee at a research institution spends many long hours conducting an experiment that eventually fails to produce the expected result, he or she is not given accolades just for the time spent. Thomas Edison exerted great effort to find the right filament to light up his incandescent bulb-what matters now is that he succeeded, not that he worked really hard. If we reward students in the world of academia with meaningless “E” for “Effort” grades, we will be handicapping their chances for real success in their future careers.
  For one thing, it is almost impossible to measure “effort” quantitatively (and thus fairly). Much of the hard work that is necessary to score a good grade in school occurs outside of class; how is the teacher to know, exactly, whether Sally spent all her free time working on her homework? And what about Henry, who is naturally bright, with a real talent for mathematics? Should he be given a lower grade than George, just because George chewed his pencil more during the test (and so looked like he was trying harder)?
  Without an objective standard, applicable to everyone, it is difficult (if not impossible) to accurately gauge performance. Modern organizations have thus attempted to institute performance review systems that assign specific values to specific behaviors. Nevertheless, gray areas abound, leaving employees disgruntled about their ratings.(“What does my boss mean, 'not a good listener'? I am a very good listener!”) So it is in the classroom, when students feel that the teacher is evaluating them on, say, their personality rather than their performance. (“The teacher likes George because he compliments her all the time and smiles a lot.”)

  Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, an objective grading system levels the playing field. It doesn't matter whether you work a little or a lot, an “A” should still stand for “excellent” work. (A “B” is “good,” but it's definitely not“excellent.”) Without such outside standards, we end up with the possibility of rewarding mediocrity. Let parents and grandparents compliment little Junior on how hard he worked, how much he studied. Teachers must hold him accountable for meeting (or exceeding) accepted standards of excellence.
  后,也可能是重要的一点,客观的评分制度创造了竞争平台。不管你干得多或少,字母“A”始终代表出色。(虽然“B”也代表了表现良好,但并非出色。)没有这种外部标准,我们将很有可能奖励了平庸之人。父母和祖父母可以因为自己的孩子刻苦学习而赞美他,但是作为老师,就应该要求学生为达到(或者超越)公认的出色的标准而负责。   以上就是广州环球雅思小编为整理的关于学生奖励的托福作文范文,小编提醒你,静心地思考你的英文作文同范文文本的差异,学习范文文本的起承转合的技巧,学习范文文本长句短句的错落交叉,学习范文文本的准确用词--这些都是在你的文章有了思路和结构之后阻碍你得高分的重要因素。同时建议有条件的同学参加托福培训班,接受系统的托福培训,以查漏补缺,迅速提升托福成绩。