

作者:qxsi   2022-06-24 13:26:29  点击:52

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  招标信件要明确你需要的是什么,以及所有必要的详细说明,同时还要写明投标的截止时间。   常用句型 Useful Sentences
  1 .On behalf of the Shanghai Corporation,I invite you to submit an estimate for an alarm system for our new headquarters which will be located in the Pudong district.   我代表上海公司,请您就我们浦东新公司总部的报警系统项目提出一份概算。   2. We are currently accepting bids for replacing the heating system at our Shanghai headquarters.   我们上海总部供热系统更换项目正在招标。   3. We want a complete estimate for your deluxe security system by December 1,along with a guarantee that you can finish the system within two weeks of signing the contract.   12月1日之前,我们需要一个关于你们加强版安全系统的全面概算,同时还需要你们确保在合同签署后的两周内安装完毕。   4. Please see the attached specifications for further details about our requirements.   关于我们要求的进一步细节,请参阅随附的详细说明。   5. Could you let us know what your lowest bid would be?   请告知我们您的低报价,好吗,
  6. Bids must be made using the attached form.   必须使用后附的表格进行投标。   7. We will be accepting bids until January 4,2010 at our offices on our standard contractor's forms.   在2010年1月4日之前,我们会一直在办公室接收投标,请用我们的标准格式的承包商表格投标。   8. Your signed and sealed bid must be returned to my office by 5:00 . on October 1.   您签字并盖章的标书必须于10月1日下午5点之前送回我的办公室。   9. If you are interested in bidding,we would appreciate your quotation on or before 3 : 00 . Friday, March 15.   如果您有兴趣投标的话,请您于3月15日下午3点或之前提出您的报价,我们将不胜感谢。   经典范文 Model Subject : Bids wanted for setting up and maintaining a company web page
Dear Sirs
  Shanghai Corporation is currently seeking bids on setting up and maintaining web page that will showcase our new software products.   Bids must include a sample page that incorporates the company logo, de锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌ions of the four sample products described on the attached pages, proposed icons for each product, and sample “hot buttons” for further information, downloading software samples, and ordering each product.   Please see the attached specifications for further details about our requirements.   Shanghai Corporation looks forward to receiving your bid by Friday, December 30. The web site must be ready for testing by January 31 and fully operational by February 27. We look forward to your response.   Yours sincerely,
William Du Shanghai Corporation 主题 :就建立和维护公司网页项目的招标 敬启者 :
  上海公司目前正在就建立和维护一个网页的项目进行招标,该网页将用来展示我公司的新软件。   标书必须包括一个示例网页,它要包含公司的标识和4个产品样本的说明,这4个样本将分别在附页上介绍。标书中还须有每个产品的图标设计,以及几个“热键”样例,这些“热键”将分别对应提供更多信息、下载试用软件和订购产品等功能。   关于我们要求的进一步细节,请参阅附上的详细说明。   上海公司期望于12月30日之前收到您的投标。网站必须于1月31日之前做好准备接受测试,并于2月27日之前全面运行。我们期待着您的回复。
  威廉·杜谨启   上海公司  