对于很多人来书,看书即使一种习惯,也是一种享受。看书能够使你的心灵得到放松,也可以让你从中得到知识与学问。以下是由为您整理的关于看书的雅思常用口语对话。1 How often do you read books? 你多久读一次书?
Not very often. If I go on a big trip,I will read a book. I prefer to read novels or essay compilations. But normally I read magazines,the news and online periodicals. 我不太经常读书。假如我出远门,在路上我就会读本书。通常我会选择读小说或者散文。但是一般来说,我喜欢看杂志、报纸和一些网络期刊。
星级词汇:periodical .期刊
2. Who is your favorite writer? 你喜欢的作家是谁?
I like several books written by a Chinese writer named Liu Yu. She graduated from Columbia University. Not sure whether you have heard of her. She has a different way of looking at things, is insightful as well as witty. 我喜欢一个中国作家,叫刘瑜。她是哥伦比亚大学的毕业生。不知道您是否听说过她。她喜欢从不同的角度观察事物,对事情有独到的见解,而且她的文笔很诙谐。
星级词汇: insightful adj.有洞察力的,有深刻见解的
witty adj.诙谐的.机智的.
3 .Do you read more for pleasure or to get information? 你读书是为了享受还是为了获取信息?
I usually read to get as much information as possible and as quickly as possible. However. every so often when I have free time I will spend a whole day reading a novel. I find it to be very relaxing. 我通常都是为了尽快查找到尽可能多的信息才读书。但是每隔一段时间.我都会花一整天看完一部小说。这对于我来说非常放松。
4. Do you often buy books as gifts for friends./family? 你会不会经常买书作为礼物送给朋友/家人?
I rarely do that. My friends and I usually go out for dinner as a favorite pastime. But my 14-year-old cousin is a little bookworm. I sometimes buy science fiction books or novels for her as a gift. 我基本不会这么做。我和朋友的消遣活动通常是出外聚餐。但是我14岁的表妹是一个小书虫。我有时候会买科幻故事书或者小说作为礼物送给她。
星级词汇:pastime n. 消遣,娱乐 以上是由小编为您整理的关于看书的雅思常用口语对话的全部内容。