雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,珠海雅思托福培训学校小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于辐射污染的雅思作文范文。 [图片0]What we can see are two shocking drawings. In the firstone, black clouds of exhaust fume are emitted from a high chimney. In the second one, a signal tower stands instead ofthe ugly chimney, sending out invisible harmful radiation. The problem revealed in the drawings has, indeed,aroused nationwide concern. Nowadays, some local governments are in hot pursuit of economic development inorder to increase local people's income. At the same time,however, their health is being threatened by the worseningenvironment,which is the side effect of blind expansion ineconomy. It has been generally accepted that it is unwise tosacrifice people's health for short-term interests. As far as Iam concerned,firstly,it is imperative for governments at alllevels to put more stress on environmental protection so as to ensure the harmonious coexistence of nature andeconomy. Secondly, in addition to the strict implementationof laws and regulations concerning environment, thegovernment's strengthened awareness of the public well-being will contribute to the solution of this issue.
我们看到的是两幅触目惊心的图画。在第一幅图中,乌云般的废气从高高的烟囱中冒出来。第二幅图中,一座信号塔取代了丑陋的烟囱,放射出无形的有害辐射。 这两幅图反映出的问题其实已经引起了全国范围的广泛关注。如今,一些地方政府紧抓经济发展以提高当地人民的收人。然而同时,人们的健康受到了不断恶化的环境的威胁,这是盲目发展经济引起的副作用。 众所周知,为了追求短期利益而牺牲人民健康是不明智的。在我看来,首先,各级政府应该更加重视环境保护,确保经济和自然和谐共存,这是势在必行的。其次,除了严格执行环境法规,增强政府的公众健康意识也有助于问题的解决。