雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,深圳环球雅思小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于人与其他生物的雅思的作文范文。 The interdependence between mankind and other creatures. When the manshoots at a wild bird, he is ignorant of the dangerad amaging domino effect brought about by his disregard for wildlife. Recent research indicates that each day hundreds ofspecies go extinct or are on the verge of extinction. And oneof the major contributing factors is human activity, which comprises expanding human settlement and mercilessmassacre of animals. To our relief, with the increase of green consciousness, nowadays environmental protection,including wildlife preservation, constitutes a significant parton the agenda of many nations. However, killing has not ceased although painstaking conservation efforts have put astop to slaughter on a large scale. Effective measures must be adopted before it's too late torescue the fragile ecosystem. Most important of all,moreless slative work is needed to confine those human activities which are destructive to ecological balance. Secondly,it is high time we human beings reflected on our relation with other creatures-they are not our game but one link on the chain of the ecosystem,and killing them amounts committing suicide.深圳环球雅思小深圳环球雅思资深老师认为,雅思范文必须琢磨透才能真正起到作用,所以深圳环球雅思为您提供关于人与其他生物的雅思的作文范文翻译,希望给各位学子有所启发。
人类与其他生物间的有相互依存的关系。当此人向野鸟射击时,并未意识到危险—由于他对野生生物的漠视而导致的具有破坏性的多米诺效应。 近的研究表明,每天都有几百个物种灭绝,或濒临灭绝。其中一个主要原因是人类的活动,包括人类居住地的不断扩张和对动物残酷的猎杀。令我们安慰的是,如今随着环保意识的增强,环保(包括野生动物保护在内)成为很多国家工作中重要的一部分。然而,尽管在保护工作上做出了煞费苦心的努力,终结了大规模的猎杀,但杀戮远未停止。 趁现在为时不晚,我们必须采取有效措施拯救脆弱的生态系统。重要的是,需要进一步立法来限制破坏生态平衡的人类活动。其次,我们人类也该思考一下我们与其他生物的关系—它们不是我们的猎物,而是生态系统链上的一环,人类杀害动物无异于自杀。
深圳环球雅思认为, 深圳环球雅思认为,雅思写作要想写好,无外乎三点,论证,逻辑及语言。而考生在考前面临的问题之一往往就是,无从提笔,无话可写,无题可论。所以读范文的时候也要从这些方面入手研习。深圳环球雅思小编希望本篇关于人与其他生物的雅思的作文范文。能给大家有所启发。