雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,思贝奇英语小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,关于关于无偿工作的雅思作文范文。[图片0] The above bar chart describes the amount of unpaid work done by men andwomen in different kinds of families: without children, with one or two children, andwith three or more children. The unpaid work refers to tasks such as taking care ofchildren, doing household chores, and gardening. For couples without children, women spend 30 hours a week on unpaid jobs,whilemen spend only 18 hours a week. once they have children, the situation changesgreatly. If there are one or two children, women will spend more than 50 hours perweek on unpaid work, a great change,while for men there is basically no change inthis aspect. If there are three or more children in the family, mothers will spend 55hours on unpaid work, while fathers' unpaid work drops to 17 hours per week. The above chart shows us that firstly, on average, women spend more time thanmen on unpaid work. Also, as the member of children in the family goes up, mothersdo a greater and greater majority of the unpaid work in the family.
对于没有孩子的夫妻来讲.妇女用在无偿工作上的时间为30小时/星期.而男士们仅为18小时/星期.从事无偿工作的时间相差不多。而一旦有了孩子情形就不同了.如果有1--2个小孩.妇女们用于无偿工作的时间就决不会少于50小时/星期.远远超过原来。。而男同志在这方面则基本没有变化,如果家里有3个以上孩子,妈妈们每星期要花55小时用于无偿劳动.而爸爸们用在无偿劳动的时间反而减少到17小时/星期。 从上图我们可以得出下面结论:第一,般情况下,女同志比男同志在无偿劳动上花费的时间要多.第二.随着家里孩子的增多.家里的无偿劳动越来越主要地由妈妈们来完成。