雅思写作主要考察学生对词汇、语法的掌握,以及逻辑和结构构架能力,一篇好的雅思写作范文能够帮助同学们抓住雅思写作的得分点,并能给大家提供提供高分词汇和句式,深圳环球雅思小编为您提供雅思作文范文及其翻译,本篇是关于学校必修课的雅思作文范文。With the current emphasis on individuality in education, many people are against thetraditional practice of compulsory courses. They believe that the subjects one chooses to study should be left to the individual to decide rather than the government. In this essay,I will discuss this topic from the following two aspects. On one hand, being the biggest supporter of the educational system, the governmentshould have the right to decide what students learn. Franklin once said that educatedpeople were easy to govern and hard to enslave, which clearly reveals that the aim ofeducation to a country is to cultivate its labor force to be better citizens so as to improve its national strength. Consequently, it is wise for the government to list necessary courses for students to upgrade the population quality. On the other hand, besides the compulsory courses decided by the government, people are entitled to choose whatever subjects appeal to them. Different subjects have different impacts on one's life. History makes people wise; poems make them witty; mathematics gives them logic; philosophy makes them deep, etc. Generally speaking, people study for different reasons and various intensions. Some people study because they believe certificates, diplomas, and degrees are held up a status symbol and a passport to a private club of money and power. Others study because they are interested in certain subjects. But above all, we should always study for our country and the subjects chosen by the government will not only benefit our life but also the future of a nation.
随着目前人们对个性化教育的重视,许多人开始反对传统的必修课执行方式,他们认为让学生们自主选择想要学习的课程比让政府决定好得多。在这篇文章中,我将从以下两个方面讨论这个问题。 一方面,政府作为教育系统的大支持者,有权决定学生应该学习什么内容。富兰克林曾经说过“受过教育的人易被统治,但难于被奴役”。这说明一个国家教育的目标就是把劳动力培养成更好的公民,以提升国家实力。因此,政府为学生选择必修课程以提高人口素质的这种做法是明智的。 另一方面,除了政府决定的必修课之外,学生有权选择任何他们感兴趣的科目。不同学科对人的生活产生不同的影响,比如,历史使人明智;诗词使人灵秀;数学使人周密;自然哲学使人深刻。 一般来说.人们出于不同的原因和各种各样的目的而学习。有些人学习是因为他认为证书、文凭和学位是身份的象征,是进人金钱和权力的私人俱乐部的通行证。另一些人学习是出于他们对某些学科的兴趣。但重要的是,我们应该为国家而学习,政府选定的科目不但有利于我们的生活,而且有利于整个国家的未来。