英语对话能使人在短的时间内学会实用的会话,在轻松的对话中,即使平常不太有机会接触英语的人,也可一句一句地学习会话。重庆美联英语为大家整理一些有用的英语对话,本篇是:关于媒体组合的英语对话。A:We've done some tactical planning already. Our main goal is toestablish brand awareness among our target audience. We thinkwe've come up with a good plan. B:What media do you plan to use,? A:We want to use the right media mix to reach our target market,for example,TV and magazine advertisement. Both are attachedwith some coupons and these are some slight differencesbetween them. B:Why? A:As we are investigating both the two advertisements. B:I can't catch you. A:What I mean is there are some special marks in the two copies ofcoupon and so we may know which ad has a better effect! B:Excellent. A:Then we can decide which one we should choose and as a resultwe can save some money on the ad.
A:我们已经完成一些战略计划,我们的主要目标是在目标顾客中建立起品牌知名度,我们 认为我们己经提出一项不错的计划。 B:你们打算用什么媒体? A:我们打算使用正确的媒体组合来达到市场目标,例如采用电视和杂志广告。两种广告 都附有优惠券,两份优惠券略有不同。 B:为什么? A:因为我们对这两种广告都作跟踪调查。 B:我听不明白了。 A:我的意思是我们在这两份优惠券上设有特别的数字记号.这样就能看出哪份广告反响 更强。 B:棒极了。 A:那么我们就能决定以后使用哪种广告,免得浪费了广告费。