关于水资源浪费的考研英语看图作文范文考研英语作文方面,适当地准备一些模板是有好处的,至少速度都要提高好多,写作能力的提高是一个循序渐进的过程,因此,考试前一两个月开始背一些实用作文范文,是很有必要的。但大小作文侧重 点各有不同,所以我们在考场上要注意,以免抓了芝麻丢了西瓜。下面是北京文都考研学校小编为您整理的关于水资源浪费的考研英语看图作文范文,让我们一起来学习吧。
As is described in the cartoon. the field is arid withoutany kind of living things. The purpose of the picture is Inshoe us the importance of water. It conyeys that if the wasteof water cannot be ceased. the last drip of water in theworld would be our tear.
As the source of all living things and the lifeblood ofagriculture and industry. water is indispensable to our lifeand the development of economy. Without water. plantsand crops cannot grow. factories will be out of business and economy will stagnate. Furthermore. allof them will result in a terrible consequence. that is. humanbeings cannot live in the world any longer.
though the causes for the lack of water may becomplex. there arc two main factors accounting for it. oneis the waste of water. and the other is the pollution ofwater. To prevent these unacceptable co duct. propermeasures. including raising the consciousness of savingwater. making full use of water in our daily life. neverdischarging daily rubbish or industrial wastes without anydisposal. and so on. must be taken and great efforts shouldbe made. only when we treat water as precious as itdeserves to be treated will we not let the last drip of waterin the world he our tear.
水是生命的源泉.是工农业的命脉。对于人类生活和经济发展来说.水是不可或缺的资源.没有了水.植物与作物将无法生长.下厂将无法运转.商业与经济也将陷入停滞.而所有这一切又将导致更严重的 后果:人类无法再生存下去。