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  托福阅读的难点突破点分析:   (1)词汇增加,更为学术。新托福文章中学科专业词汇高频出现。以一篇关于树木分类的文章为例,文中提到大量植物学领域的专业词汇,如:dandelions(蒲公英),tannins(丹宁酸),crown canopy(树冠),acorn(橡子),oak(橡树)等等,每一个陌生的词汇就如同一束刺眼的白光,搞得考生眼前一片混沌,头晕眼花,不知文中所云。所以,从词汇角度说,托福难于雅思。   (2)篇幅变长,句式丰富。新托福阅读的写作句型主要集中在因果句,类比句,对照句,比较级和举例子等。很多句子长度跨越4到5行,主语谓语相距甚远,如果考生没有扎实的语法功底,一下子难以把握句子主干。
[图片0]   二、 图式推理模式 其特点是根据文章作者写作意图,通盘考虑整个文章写作框图架,然后判断出文章中某个词或句的内在含义,该种题型较有隐蔽性,极难对付。   例3:Each advance in microscopic technique has provided scientists with new perspectives on the function of living organisms and the nature of matter itself. The invention of the visible-light microscope late in the sixteenth century introduced a previously unknown realm of single-celled plants and animals. In the twentieth century, electron microscope have provided direct views of viruses and minuscule surface structures. Now another type of microscope, one that utilizes X rays rather than light or electrons, offers a different way of examining tiny details; it should extend human perception still farther into the natural world. Why does the author mention the visible-light microscope in the first paragraph?   (A) To begin a discussion of sixteenth-century discoveries   (B) To put the X-ray microscope in a historical perspective   (C) To show how limited its uses are   (D) To explain how it functioned   提示:本段文章中讲了各种显微镜的特征,且从早期一直至现代的显微镜(X ray型)。作者这样写作,目的在于将显微镜放在历史角度上叙述一下。换一句话说,作者讲述了显微镜历史。而题目问“作者为什么提到可视显微镜”那说明解应为(B)。(C)可能文章也讲过,但并非是作者的目的所在。   总结:本题关键在于解题角度与解题切入点的合理性,因此,读者应引起足够注意。   三、 归纳推理模式 通常是原文用很具体事例,让考生归纳出一个或几个词来,对原文内容进行总结与归纳,下面先举下个简单例子。   例4:The roar of gunfire, the massed movements of uniformed men, the shrill of bugles, and drama of hand-to-hand combat have fascinated students of warfare for a century. The author implies that students of the Civil War usually concentrate on the   (A) home front   (B) battlefield   (C) government   (D) economy 提示:枪炮的隆隆声、军队的运动、号角声,徒手格斗的场面,无不表明了战场(battlefield),也即体出他们之间的general与specific的关系。答案为(B)   总结:该种题目有一个技巧,就是解往往是带有归纳、抽象性词汇或带有主观评判性词汇。   例5:With Robert Laurent and William Zorach, direct carving enters into the story of modern sculpture in the United States. Direct carving-in which the sculptors themselves carve stone or wood with mallet and chisel-must be recognized as something more than just a in it is an aesthetic principle as well: that the medium has certain qualities of beauty and expressiveness with which sculptors must bring their own aesthetic sensibilities into harmony. For example, sometimes the shape or veining in a piece of stone or wood suggests, perhaps even dictates, not only the ultimate form, but even the subject matter. What is one of the fundamental principles of direct carving?   (A) A sculptor must work with talented assistants.   (B) The subject of a sculpture should be derived from classical stories.   (C) The material is an important element in a sculpture.   (D) Designing a sculpture is a more creative activity than carving it. 提示:本段文章关键在于讲述艺术家进行现代雕塑的方法与过程。根据文章后半部分可知,他们使用各种各样东西进行工作。并且把这些东西的美显示出来,根据这里语气可知。材料极为重要。所以解为(C)。本题(C)中important极为醒目。   四、 反向推理模式 通常ETS方法是将原文进行反向运作,如“Some people like flowers”可推出“Some people don’t like flowers”.这种推理关键在于文章中信息与解中信息反义词,言下之意,考生找反义词即可.   例6:Before the mid-1860’s, the impact of the railroads in the United States was limited, in the sense that the tracks ended at the Missouri River, approximately the center of the country. At that point the trains turned their freight, mail, and passengers over to steamboats, wagons, and stagecoaches. This meant that wagon freighting, stagecoaching, and steamboating did not come to an end when the first train appeared; rather they became supplements or feeder. What can be inferred about coaches and wagon freighters as the railroads expanded?   (A) They developed competing routes.   (B) Their divers refused to work for the railroads.   (C) They began to specialize in transporting goods.   (D) They were not used as much as before. 提示:文章中讲到火车发明并进行使用,铁路延伸到密苏里河,这样马车等就成为了火车运输的补充。由此可分析出火车出现后马车从原来主要运输工具变成了辅助。因此可知本题解为(D)。 总结:该种题型在近托福考试中较多,望考生掌握。   五、 引用语推理模式 其形式:The author used the phrase “ ”to illustrate “ ”?本种题型解法可根据这个词组的上下文,再综合词组本文进行推断,但不要从词组表面含义推理。   例7:By than time, three giant figures who had invented the new twentieth-century dance were dead: Sergei Diaghilev, Anna Pavlova, and Isadora Duncan. Their era ended with them, and their dance values nearly disappeared. Their colleagues Michel Fokine and Ruth St. Denis lived on in America like whales on the beach. In lines the above sentence, the author uses the phrase “like whales on the beach” to indicate that Fokine and St. Denis were .   (A) good swimmers   (B) physically large   (C) out of place   (D) very sick 答案:(C)   提示:词组的表面意思是“象躺在沙滩上的鲸鱼”这时你可能会联想鲸鱼冲上海滩自杀的情景,推断如果只到这一步,而脱离原文的话,答题就很可能错,选项D正是这类干扰项,因此,你还得结合上下文进行分析才能正确。前文说:随着二十世纪舞蹈的三位创始人的辞世,他们时代也随之而结束,那么他们舞伴搭档失去了舞伴而无法施展他们的才结,像鲸鱼躺在沙滩一样,奄奄一息。   更多精彩内容,请关注:深圳环球雅思培训学校