








  Education and Training Committee Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on Thursday 23May 2003 at 2:30 . at 21 Queen's Crescent, Bostock. PRESENT:   R. P Brown Chairperson   Mrs. Chalmers Comprehensive School   W. frame Watson Scott College of Technology   . White Youth Employment Service   …… ……   …… ……   . Arnold Secretary   1. MINUTES   The minutes of the meeting held on 14 Apr., 2003 had been circulated; they were taken as read and signed as correct.   2. CHAIRPERSON'S REPORT   The Chairperson reported as follows:。   The committee had met five times during the year. Principalmatters dealt with had included liaison with the local educationauthority. Both the Chairperson and the secretary served on theJoint Committee to establish closer contact between schools andindustry.   The Business/Teacher liaison Scheme had continued,and tenvisits for teachers had been arranged.   In March the Committee had assisted with the Careers WeekExhibition during which a panel from the Committee heldadvice-sessions on careers for school leavers.   3. ELECTION OF OFFICE BEARERS   The Chairperson reported that he had served his term of officeand that the Vice-Convener, Mr. F. Welson, was unable toaccept the position because of illness. It was agreed to invite Mr.   W. frame Watson, Principal of the Scott College of Technology,to accept to be Chairperson of the Committee.   4. JOINT LIAISON COMMITTEE   a. The Chairperson reported that ten teacher visits had beenorganized during the year. Headteachers had written to thesecretary commenting on the success of these team visits.   b. The scheme for work experience for pupils had been started.   The first response from firms and industry was encouraging.   Mr. . White(Youth Employment Service) and Mr. W. frameWatson(Scott College of Technology)spoke of encouraging resultsachieved by the Liaison Committee.   Meeting terminated 4:20 .   【注】   ①liaison with:与……联系;与……交流合作   ② panel:专家组   ③ convener:会议召集人
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