








  A. Abe announces to seek a fourth term.
  B. Abe becomes Japan’s longest-serving prime minister.
  C. Abe begins his fourth term as Japanese prime minister.
  D. Abe announces to retire after his third term.
  A. Donald Trump.
  B. Abe.
  C. Angela Merkel.
  D. Emmanuel Macron.
  Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has made history by becoming the country's longest-serving political leader. Abe broke the record this week by serving 2,887 days in office. The next longest-serving leader was Taro Katsura. He LED Japan three different times between 1901 and 1913. The 65-year-old Abe is also the second-longest-serving leader of the Group of Seven major economies. only German Chancellor Angela Merkel, in office since 2005, has served longer. Abe's third term is expected to end in September 2021. He has said he does not plan to seek a fourth term. Abe's first term lasted just one year from 2006 to 2007. He returned to office in 2012 and has since led his ruling coalition to six national election victories. The long-serving prime minister has become identified with "Abenomics," a set of policies aimed at speeding up economic growth. Abe's plan for the government to buy securities and spend more while keeping interest rates low has created growth – but it has been slower than promised. Speaking to reporters, Abe repeated his plans to spend his remaining time in office trying to improve the economy, serve Japan's aging population and seek the constitutional change. Abe has survived several scandals, including his own and other ones involving government ministers. The most recent involved his yearly cherry blossom viewing party. Abe has been accused of using taxpayer money to hold a gathering of political supporters the night before the party.
  Question 1: What’s the main idea of this news report?
  Question 2: According to the news report, which of the following leaders of the Group of Seven major economies served the longest?
  1. chancellor: a person in a position of the highest or high rank, especially in a government or university
  2. coalition: the joining together of different political parties or groUPS for a particular purpose, usually for a limited time, or a government that is formed in this way (不同政党或不同群体的人为特定目标而暂时形成的)联盟,同盟,联合体
  3. Abenomics: Abenomics is a nickname for the multi-pronged economic program of Japanese prime minister Shinzō Abe. “安倍经济学”是指日本第96任首相安倍晋三2012年底上台后加速实施的一系列刺激经济政策,值得注目的就是宽松货币政策,日元汇率开始加速贬值。安倍晋三推出的一系列新刺激政策不仅给金融市场注入活力,也开始让企业和消费者振作起来。2015年,日自民党制定运动方针草案在经济政策方面,草案提出“将完成‘安倍经济学’,打破既得利益壁垒,发挥日本经济的潜在能力”。关于激活地方活力,草案强调“地方创生也是日本的创生”。
  现任日本首相安倍晋三(Shinzo Abe)成为了在任时间长的日本首相:自2012年安倍第二次当选自民党总裁及首相后,其政权迄今已运转了7年。按自民党总裁任期看,理论上他的首相任期可到2021年9月底,那时执政天数将达3567日。在日本,这堪称奇迹。安倍指出自己的自民党总裁任期还剩下近2年,并强调“摆脱通缩、挑战少子老龄化、对战后外交的总清算、之后还有修宪。我将以挑战者的心态创建令和新时代。”有关长期执政得以实现的原因,安倍说:“通过6次国政得到国民强有力的支持,一贯为实现承诺的政策而努力。在这些反复积累下迎来了今天。”安倍指出包括一、届内阁在内的短期政权一度持续,回顾道“重要的政策课题也被搁置。造成这种原因的人是我”,说明称在深刻反省的基础上一直努力让政治稳定。安倍的首相在任天数超过战前的桂太郎,时隔106年刷新纪录。如果,他的首相任期能持续到明年东京奥运会之后,将在连续在任纪录上也超过佐藤荣作的2798天。
  Question 1: B
  Question 2: C

发布时间:2021-11-25 13:35  点击:90

