终于懂得托福考试十大救命题讲解 托福口语

终于懂得托福考试十大救命题讲解 托福口语








  2021年大陆托福考试共46场,以下“救命话题”task 1 和 task 2 各自分开计算。
  如:2021年task 1中有6场考试可以套用到“金钱”话题,则使用率约为13%;task 2 中有15场考试可以套用“学习话题”,则使用率约为33%。10道救命话题中,有些是同学们问题集中的,有些是本身话题略有难度、在15秒钟不容易想到话说的。Ok!Let’s get started!
  2018/01/06 上午
  Task 1: It's hard for people to save money. Do you have any suggestions on saving money? (13%)
  Sample response (word count: 112)
  I got two ideas about this. To begin with, it might be helpful to uninstall the shopping apps, cuz usually they are the reasons why we unconsciously spend more than we imagine. By not having the apps, one has to go to a real store for shopping, which might be inconvenient. As a result, our pockets might be the only possible place where the money stays. Also, parents are always on our sides when we need help. Take myself as an example. I regularly deposit all of my income to my mom and withdraw only when it’s necessary. Guess what? She rejects all the time, which is actually perfect for saving money.
  2018/01/06 下午
  Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is important to know the history of the city that you live in? (33%)
  这题看似是学习“历史”这个特定的话题,有些同学们的内心OS是“我连一般的书都不读,还读历史书?” 其实这个话题并不难,古人云“天下知识,触类旁通”(好吧我承认是我编的),学什么不是个学呢?什么是学习?就是从“不知道”到“知道”的过程。因此,所有的学习全都可以拓展你的视野。同时,还可以帮你在历史课取得好成绩咯!(什么?你没有历史课?从现在开始你有了)
  Sample response (word count: 104)
  Well, I do think having a pretty good knowLEDge of my city is essential, cuz it helps me broaden my horizons and love the city more. For example, Shanghai was a small fishing village in the past. However, with the rapid development of economy, it becomes one of the most incredible metropolises in China. I feel so proud of being a Shanghainese. Besides, maybe it does good to the history course as well. I mean, according to my senior classmates, talking about hometown is always a frequent topic in history class. So, without knowing anything about the city, I would have nothing to share.
  Task 1: What do you think can be done to improve your neighborhood and make it a better place to live? (24%)
  Sample response (word count: 108)
  Oh, I have so many suggestions. OK, first thing first. I really hope to have a subway station somewhere close to the neighborhood. According to a government investigation, subway is the most preferred public transportation of the citizens. Forget about private cars. It’s almost impossible to afford a parking lot, cuz it might cost more than 6000 dollars in the downtown area in my country. On top of that, it would be perfect for a neighborhood to have a gourmet plaza. I mean, who don’t like food that makes mouth water? At least I am a foodie and I am sick of having instant noodle every single day.
  Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:
  Children should be encouraged to use computers as early as possible. (33%)
  Sample response (word count: 105)
  It is definitely sensible for children to use computer at an early age, cuz it helps them improve grades. Like my brother, he is six. Whenever he encounters new words in the textbook, he would probably refer to the Oxford dictionary. Without the help of it, he would not get A in the reading comprehension. Besides, the cartoon channels online relieve his study pressure from time to time. And sometimes these channels even have notices to inform children how long they have been watching, so there is no need to worry about addiction. After all, “all work and no play make Jack a dull boy.”
  Task 1: One of your friends decided to go back to college after working ten years. Do you have any suggestions? (27%)
  学校类的话题也一直是热门的考点,但是有些同学们会被 after working ten years 所,从而开始纠结怎么围绕着这个方面展开。其实不然,重心也可以放在 go back to college 上。那么学校嘛,无非就是学习的地方,那么 study hard and make progress everyday (good good study, day day up) 不是我们从小就听烂的段子嘛。那么如果实在想要和 ten years 扯上关系,那么就让他平衡好工作和学习吧~(毕竟study part time在大学里也是很常见的)
  Sample response (word count: 113)
  Well, I’d probably give him the two suggestions. First of all, whatever the reason, going back to the university is a decision that has already been made, so he should study as hard as possible, like finishing the reading beforehand, participating the in-class discussion or completing the assignments in time. Otherwise, it would just be a waste of time. On top of that, if he studies part time, he’d better balance the work and study. I mean, maybe he pays for the tuition and fees himself. Therefore, he should work harder and try not to be fired by his boss. After all, it might be difficult to afford the tuition if he’s jobless.
  Task 2: Some people think, with the development of technology and Internet, libraries will disappear, while others think libraries are always necessary. Which one do you agree with, and why? (22%)
  1. tech and internet. 古人云“科技改变生活”(咳咳 - -||),那一定是给生活带去了便利。
  2. library. 一个物理层面的概念。但是tech and internet使得学习变得无孔不入,谁还需要特地去一个地方坐着学习呢?就算有需要,café 不是一个很洋气的地方么,谁还需要library?(注意,托福口语考试不要内心戏很足,切忌“自我抬杠”, rater是不会从屏幕里爬出来和你辩论的)
  Sample response (word count: 109)
  Well, I think libraries may probably be eliminated by the society, cuz an increasing number of people start to like e-books. I mean, people can read e-books online, so it might be more convenient. I bet no one wants to be stuck in a subway or traffic on their way to the library which is usually located downtown. Instead, nowadays people are in favor of reading on mobile phones, cuz they can do this whenever and wherever, like in a café or a cab. Also, e-books are much cheaper. For example, the e-version of Pride and Prejudice is about 20 yuan on the internet, but 35 in a bookstore.
  Task 2: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: group decision is better than individual decisions. (27%)
  Sample response (word count: 104)
  Well, I’m definitely a “team player”, cuz, as it may be known to all, “many hands make light work.” I’m not saying that I’m gonna shift the responsibility. Instead, cooperation is what I was born to be filled with, so I’d spare no effort in contributing to the discussion. I mean, if everyone in a group does this, the outcome would definitely be satisfying. Besides, group discussion may strengthen the friendship. For example, me and Jack are in the same study group. After studying, we usually hang out for a drink and chat. Sometimes we even drive to the central park for a picnic.
  Task 1: Your community center is now opening classes for people. Which of the following do you want to take? (13%)
  to become a better public speaker
  to improve photography skills
  to start a new business
  古人云:“贫穷”专治一切花里胡哨(呵呵 - -),“天下没有免费的午餐”,所以哪个便宜选哪个(虽然也没说收费,但是“我的口语、我的益达”我说收费就是收费的,不服你来打我呀。)其次,没用的学它干嘛?肯定是对平时生活有所帮助咯。小编还是个宝宝,学习是我的一切,我爱学习!(学习爱不爱我就不知道了)
  Sample response (word count: 111)
  Well, public speaking might be a good choice for me, cuz it is the most economical course among all of the three. I’m still a student and don’t have any income, so I have to balance the tuition and the spend. However, photography may require a camera which I cannot afford and being a business man is not my pursuit. Thus, there is only one choice left. In addition, my university holds storytelling comPETition every semester and all of us are encouraged to take part in it. By having this community course, it might be beneficial for my presentation skills which could be a must in most of the required courses.
  Task 2: Some parents are willing to help their children solve problem, while some are not. Which do you think is better? (27%)
  俗话说“在家靠父母”,所以父母帮孩子肯定是有一些客观好处的。那么一旦说到“好处”这种“万金油”,首当其冲的当然是我们的“三省”啦 --- 省钱省时省力。
  Sample response (word count: 108)
  If parents are willing to help, it would be good to their children, cuz their kids may save energy in this way. For example, when I was 4, my teacher asked me to build a bird house, but hammer and nails are just not my thing. Thank God, my dad helped me, so I could have time to spend on my interests, like arts and music. On top of that, giving a hand to their children sometimes could be more economical. My aunt is a math teacher, so she teaches her daughter math herself. However, if she hires a tutor, it could cost her like 2000 per month.
  Task 1: Your friend has trouble falling sleep before important things like interviews and exams. What suggestion can you give him/her? (13%)
  “建议”也是ETS 喜欢的常考话题。那通常同学们是怎么舒缓压力的呢?有人说看小说听音乐(我信你个鬼,来来,农药吃鸡开黑了)。当然,还有从根源上解决的办法(那就是把监考老师解决了!)应该是再复习准备一遍呗!
  Sample response (word count: 111)
  OK… (语调上扬) I would suggest him to go over the lesson again. Well, at least this works for me. My memory is not quite good, so before the exams, I usually try to memorize all the important things for three times or even more, like the writing genre of Mark Twain or the painting style of Vincent van Gogh. There’s an old saying in my culture, “do your best and the rest is the destiny.” In this way, I always have a sound sleep before the test. Besides, maybe abreacting to video games also helps. I mean, in a virtual battle, people defeat enemies, which makes people feel good and therefore sleep well.

发布时间:2021-11-25 17:14  点击:92

