








  81.Leave a mark behind/on
  The moon landing left a mark on mankind’s history.
  He hit him so hard, it leaves a mark behind, which is indelible.
  82.Empower v.授给
  The king empowered his son with the throne.
  Women are more empowered today than before.
  83.garment 衣服
  Women like to purchase various garments even though they have got many already.
  84.Advocate n提倡人者,v.提倡
  He is an advocate for sustainable energy.
  I don’t advocate parents to equip their children with phones, as they would become addicted to these gadgets.
  Some industries do not require their practitioners to obtain a degree, such as the textile unit.
  86.Insistence n坚持
  Due to his mother’s insistence, he strove to run his own business, and eventual made a difference to his life. Otherwise, he would still be an average Joe doing some routine job.
  87.Attribute to 归因于
  Attributing to poor class participation, he did not get an A in his maths.
  88. Motto 座右铭
  My motto is that the best time to plant a tree is 10 years ago or now, which I firstly heard from a friend a few years ago. It means if you wanted to do something, the best time to start was 10 years ago, but if you didnt, now would be a good time to get your hands dirty.
  89.Provoke v. 挑衅,激怒
  Drilling is such an irritating noise that it often provokes people.
  We better not provoke tigers, otherwise, they bite us.
  Provocation n.挑衅、激怒的(原因)
  Some delinquents commit crimes because of provocation and anger.
  Under provocation, he went to the grave yard alone at night although he was so scared.
  90.Dictate v. 口述,命令,指挥
  口述In many ancient TV shows, the emperors often dictated to his chancellor who would write his words down, then he would stamp on it before it takes effect.
  命令The army usually are dictated to by a general rather than a marshal directly who often dictates to generals only.
  Dictator v
  Hitler was a German dictator .

发布时间:2021-11-25 17:19  点击:67

