








  第 一步 听清引文,判断场景
  任何听力对话一开始播放的时候我们都会听到一句话:Listen to part of a conversation between a student and a librarian. 请大家注意这句话后半部分,这个部分告诉我们学生在和什么人进行对话,我们只要听清楚这个部分,场景自然也就出现了。那么根据内容,以下是部分可能会出现的人物:
  ①图书管理员 librarian
  ②学习指导 advisor
  ③行政人员 administrator
  ④餐厅经理 food service manager
  ⑤课程注册人员 register
  ⑥设备管理人员 facilities manager
  第二步 听清楚文章开始提出的问题
  根据我们的文章结构,文章第 一个部分应该是提出问题。那么问题的提出可能出现两种情况:
  第 一,学生提出问题
  Student: Hi, um…, I really hope you can help me.
  Librarian:That’s why I’m here. What can I do for you?
  Student: I’m supposed to do a literature review for my psychology course, but I’m… having a hard time finding articles. I don’t even know where to start looking.
  Librarian:You said this is for your psychology course, right? So your focus is on …
  Student:Dream Interpretation.
  如果同学们用刚才的第 一步听清了引文的话,那么应该已经判断出来接下来对话发生的场景是图书馆。那么我们去图书馆能够做什么事情,无非是:1. 借书 2. 还书 3. 书籍损毁需要赔偿等等。这就给了我们在接下来听文章时有了很好的预测走向。学生一开始就提出I really hope you can help me 证明这篇文章是由学生提出问题,那么后面我们要重点听清楚学生的对话。果然,他是来查询关于梦境解析的资料的。那么刚才我们听到引言以后的其他预测都可以排除了。我们就很好的确定了这篇文章的第 一个部分:借阅书籍(提出问题)。
  第三步 听清对于问题的分析过程
  1. 不知道具体资料,只知道课程或教授名字。
  2. 知道具体查询资料的内容,有明确目标。对于第 一种情况,对话中主要是确认学生所学范围,帮助他更好地推荐适合他的资料。对于第二种情况,分析则主要集中在为什么查询不到这本书的具体原因上。我们来看例文:
  Librarian:You said this is for your psychology course, right? So your focus is on …
  Student:Dream Interpretation.
  Librarian:Well, you have a focus, so that’s already a good start. Hmmm… well, there’re a few things… oh wait… have you checked to see if your professor put any material for you to look at on reserve?
  Student:Aha, that’s one thing I did know to do. I just copied an article, but I still need three more on my topic from three different journals.
  Librarian:Let’s get you going on looking for those then. We have printed versions of twenty or so psychology journals in the Reference Section. These are ones published within the last year. Now that I think about it… there’s a journal named Sleep and Dreams.
  Student:Oh, yeah, the article I just copied is from that journal, so I’ve got to look in other sources.
  Librarian:Ok, actually, most of our materials are available electronically now. You can access psychology databases or electronic journals and articles through the library’s computers, and if you want to search by title with the word ‘dream’ for example, just type it in and all the articles with ‘dream’ in the title will come up on the screen.
  第四步 通过问题的分析,预测出文章的结果
  1. 顺利解决了问题
  2. 不能完全解决问题,提出其他补救方案。
  1. 成功查询到资料
  2. 图书馆没有此类资料,推荐其他方法。同学只要根据对话双方的分析内容,其实就可以预测出后面问题是否解决,而解决问题的方法就是后面题目的答案。我们刚才通过对于学生问题的分析发现,图书馆员已经开始试图提供有助于学生的解决方案。那么后面的结果如何,我们心里其实已经有了答案,我们来看例文:
  Student:Cool, that’s great! Too bad I cannot do this from home.
  Librarian:But you can. All of the library’s databases and electronic sources can be accessed through any computer connected to the university network.
  Student:Really?! I can’t believe I didn’t know that. It still sounds like it’s going to take a while though, you know, going through all of that information, all of those sources.
  Librarian:Maybe, but you already narrowed your search down to articles on Dream Interpretation, so it shouldn’t be too bad. And you probably notice that there’s an abstract or summary at the top of the first page of the article you copied. When you go into the databases and electronic sources, you have the option to display the abstracts on the computer screen, skimming those to decide whether or not you want to read the whole article should cut down some time.
  Student:Right, abstracts! They’ll definitely make the project more doable. I guess I should try out the electronic search while I’m still here then, you know, just in case.
  Librarian:Sure, that computer’s free over there, and I’ll be here till five this afternoon. Student:Thanks, I feel a lot better about this assignment now.
  后面我们重新回顾一下这个预测文章结构是如何进行的。听力的对话组成分为:引言 提出问题 分析问题 解决问题。 我们只要听清楚每一个部分,就可以很轻松的预测出下一个部分可能会出现的内容。首先,引言部分告诉了我们对话发生的场景以及对话的双方(通过between a student and a librarian预测出对话发生在图书馆,对话双方是学生和图书馆员)。那么我们根据这个内容就可以预测出文章开始时可能会出现的问题。主要要听清楚开始的前三轮对话。听清楚提出的问题后,我们就可以知道接下来可能会如何分析这个问题。
  (通过I’m supposed to do a literature review for my psychology course, but I’m… having a hard time finding articles. I don’t even know where to start looking. 确认文章的问题是学生查询资料并且确认之后的分析一定是对于该类资料的推荐),通过对于问题分析的两个或者三个方面,我们基本可以确认文章后面的走向,那就是问题顺利解决还是无法解决需要其他方案。因为这些内容我们不需要等到后面才知道,前面分析过程中两人的态度已经决定了结果。就像我们完全不需要等到暴风雨来临才知道会下雨,满天的乌云足以说明这一切。真正掌握解题能力的同学就会根据这些结构来逐步解决后面的问题。不会等到题目出现才发现自己遗漏了重点。通过大量的练习,掌握文章结构其实是个非常简单的过程,在对于文章的判断过程中还能帮助我们集中精力不会走神,大家何乐而不为呢。

发布时间:2021-11-25 17:34  点击:84

