解答Quantitatve ComParison时的注意事项
①The answer choiees are the same for all Quantitative Comparison questions.(所有数量比较题的选项都是一样的.)
②In some questions,additional information pertaining to one or both of the quantities to becompared is centered above the two columns.(在有些问题中有关比 较的数里的某一个或两个的附加信息居中位于两栏之上。)
③Any symbol appearing in both columns represents the same thing in one eolumn as is theother.(在两栏中出现的同一符号在两栏所代表的意思相同。)
④Figures are not neeessarily drawn to seale.(图形不一定都 按比例画出.)
⑤Calculating is not what Quantitative Comparison is primarily about,so don’t performendless。calculations.(计算并非是数量比较题所着重考查的内容,因 此不要做一些没完没了的计算。)
⑥Do only as much work as you need to do to make the comparison.(做数量比较题时要适可而止。)
⑦Don’t rely on the appearance of figure to make the comparison.(不要依赖于图形的形状去做比较。)
⑧Do manipulate one quantity to make it look more like the othe one.(设法使比较的两个数的形式更接近。)
⑨Do perform arithmetic across columns to simply the comparison.(在两栏之间进行运算以简化比较过程。)
⑩Don’t multltiply or divide across columns unless you know that the quantity you’re usingis positive.(在两栏之间进行乘除运算时,要确保你所使用的数都是正 数.)
标签:解答Quantitatve ComParison时的注意事项,解答Quantitatve ComParison时的注意事项
发布时间:2022-05-25 20:30 点击:78