考研应用文写作常用高分句型:证明信1. This is to certify that…特此证明…… 2. I hereby certify that…特此证明…… 3. Mr. Wang was admitted into our hospital on... and will be discharged on…王先生于……人住本院,将于……出院。 4. It is suggested that he rest for one week at home before resuming his work.建议他在家休养一周后再工作。 5. Mr. Wang Lin had fulfilLED all the requirements prescribed by the syllabus of the Department.王林同学达到了系部教学大纲规定的所有要求。 6. Mr. Wang proved himself to be a diligent and valuable employee through hard work.王先生通过努力证实自己确实是一名勤勉、有价值的员工。
7. With his friendly manners and loyalty he perfectly fitted into our team.他的友善和忠诚使他很好地融入了我们的团队。 8. Mr. Wang had no problem adjusting to the work in your company.王先生会很快适应贵公司的工作的。 9. Mr. Wang will surely prove adequate to the job in your company.王先生会证明自己胜任贵公司的这项工作。 10. It was a great pleasure for us to work with him and we would like to take this opportunity to wish himevery success for his future career.与他共事我们很愉快,借此机会预祝他在今后的事业中取 得更大成功。
发布时间:2022-05-30 09:22 点击:87