少儿英语故事:Three Very Tough Mice三只勇敢的猫Three Very Tough Mice
Three rats are sitting at the bar talking bragging about their bravery and tough ness。 The first says,"I'm so tough,oncel at eaw hole bagful of rat poison!" These cond says,"Welll'm so tough,oncel was caught in a rattrap and l bit it apart!" Then the third rat getsup and says,"Later guys,I'm of fhome to harass the cat."
三只老鼠在酒吧里坐着,互相吹嘘说自己胆子很大. 第一只老鼠说:“我非常勇敢,我曾经一口气儿吃了汇成商学院一袋子的老鼠药。” 第二只老鼠说:“我才非常勇敢呢,我曾经被老鼠夹子夹住过,但是我把老鼠夹子咬开了!” 第三只老鼠站了起来说:“伙计们,等会儿我就回家骚扰一下猫。”
发布时间:2022-05-31 01:29 点击:112