商务英语对话范文,面谈的艺术,谈话得体重要。良好人际关系的建立,很大程度上取决于谈话是否得当。谈话要看对象。要根据谈话的场合、对方的身份,以适当的方式进行交谈。 谈话时,保持适当的距离能使对方产生好感。不要随意缩短彼此间的距离,应顺其自然。注意谈话时的语气语调。说话时不要发号施令、打官腔。可以适当地采用一些加强语言表现力的技巧。Helen: I learned that your Parents Section regularly features local products for children.
John: That's correct. We glee recommendations to our readers who are looking for safe products that contribute to children's mental and physical commendations are based on the results of our online surveys as well as interviews with retailers. Each month we feature a particular category of products.
Helen: What's the highlight for need month's coverage?
John:Toys. And the safety of toys has become our readers' top concern. As you know,millions of toys have been recalLED recently for high lead content in paint. Has Smartoys been affected by the recall?
Helen: No. Smartoys always gives priority to the safety of its products. We have our own lab and has adopted a bench-mark that is responsive to the latest safety regulations. Also, our products are tested by accredited third party labs before shipping。
发布时间:2022-05-31 19:58 点击:87