少儿英语故事:Impressive Hunting Dog神奇的狗Impressive Hunting Dog An avid duck hunter wasin the market for a new bird sear chended whenhe found a dog that could actually walk on water to retrieve a by hisfind, he was sure none of his friends would ever believe decided to try to breakthe news to a friend of his,a pessimist by nature,and invited himto hunt with him and his new dog. As they waited by the shore,a flock of ducks flew fired and a duck responded and jumped into the dog,however,did not sink butinstead walked across the water to retrieve the bird,never getting more than his friend saw everything butdid not saya sing leword. On the driving home the hunter asked his friend, "Did you notice any thing unusual about my new dog?" "I' m sure," responded his friend , "He can' tswim." 神奇的狗 一位贪婪的猎鸭人想在市场上买一只新的可以捕鸟的猎犬。他找到了一只可以在水上行走并能叼回鸭子的狗。找到这样的一只狗让他很吃惊,他肯定朋友们都不会相信。他决定向一位天性悲观的朋友公布这一消息,并邀请他一起带着这只狗去打猎。 他们在岸上等着,一群野鸭飞了过去。他们开火,一只鸭子被击中掉了下来.狗随即就跳入了水中。它没沉入水里,而是一直在水面上走去把野鸭叼回来,只有爪子湿了。朋友都看见了,但是什么也没说。 他们开车回家的途中猎人问朋友:“你发现我的狗有什么不寻常的地方吗?”他回答说:“当然。它不会游泳。”
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