









  Conversation 1
  A: You look quite pale. Arc you feeling well?   B: Not very. I felt terrible most of the night. I didn't sleep very well.   A: What's the matter with you? Is it the flu?   B: No, I think it's something I ate. We ate at a new restaurant last night, and I must have eaten something bad.   A: Was it that new restaurant over on Peace Street?   B: How do you know?   A: Because, PETer ate there last Thursday and had the same kind of problem as you. He didn't feel very well, either.   B: Really? Maybe the health authorities should take some measures towards this kind of restaurant.   A: That's right. You know, two people with similar problems in such a short time can't just be coincidence. Don't you think so?   B: No, it's not.
  A:你看卜去脸色苍白。你还好吧?   B:不是很舒服。晚上大部分时问都很难受,没睡好觉。   A:你到底出什么毛病了?是不是流感?   B:不是,我想可能是我吃的东西。昨晚我们在一家新饭店吃的饭。我一定是吃了什么不好的东西。   A:是不是和平路上的那家新饭店?   B:你怎么知道?   A:因为彼特上星期四也是在那儿吃的,并和你情况相同。他也感觉不太好。   B:真的?也许卫生局应该对这种饭店采取一些措施。   A:对。你知道两个人在这么短的时间里出了类似的问题,不可能是巧合,你不这样认为吗?   B:是的,这不是巧合。
  Conversation 2
  A: Good afternoon. Take a scat, please. What's wrong with you?   B: I feel chilly and feverish and I badly cough.   A: How did it start?   B: I went out with flimsy clothes last night and then I found something wrong with my body.   A: Let me check your pulse and listen to your heart and lungs. Yes, you do have the flu nothing serious. The cold is a common disease.   B: What can I do?   A: Take this pre锝擄絻锝掞綁锝愶綌ion to the pharmacy for your medicine.   B: OK, l know.   A: Come to see me again.   B: OK. I'll follow you.   A: In fact, to prevent it is more important than cure it.   B: Thank you, doctor.
  A:下午好。请坐。哪里不舒服?   B:我感到发冷发热而且我咳嗽的厉害。   A:怎么开始的?   B:我昨晚穿着单薄的衣服出之后就感觉到身休有些不对劲。   A:让我来摸摸你的脉搏,听听心肺。是的,你的确得流感了,没什么严重的。感冒只是一种很常见的病。   B:我该怎么做?   A:请拿这张处方到药房取药,然后带药来见我。   B:好的,我知道了。   A:再来复查。   B:知道了。我会听您的。   A:实际上,预防比治疗更重要。   B:谢谢你,医生。
  Conversation 3
  A: Come in and sit down,Tom. Now, what's the trouble?   B: I've got a terrible pain in my stomach, Doctor.   A: I see. When did it start?   B: It started yesterday. I didn't cat any supper.   A: Have you got a temperature?   B: I think so. I feel very hot.   A: Let me see. Yes. You've got quite a high temperature.   B: I've got an awful headache, too, and my throat hurts.   A: Hm,I think you've got a flu.   B: Is it serious?   A: No, not at all,but you must stay in bed for three days and take this medicine.   B: How often must I take it?   A: Three times a day after meals.   B: Thank you, doctor. Goodbye.
  A:进来坐,汤姆。现在说说怎么了?   B:医生,我胃疼得厉害。   A:知道了。什么时候开始的?   B:昨天开始的。晚饭我什么也没吃。   A:你发烧吗?   B:我想是的,我觉得挺热。   A:让我看看。是的。你发高烧了。   B:我头也痛得厉害,嗓子也疼。   A:嗯,我想你得流感了。   B:严重吗?   A:不,一点儿也不严重。但你必须在上休息三天,并且服这种药。   B:我该多长时间吃一次?   A:一天气次,饭后吃。   B:谢谢,医生。再见。
  Conversation 4
  A: Good afternoon, Mr. Liu. What can I do for you?   B: I often have headache and I cannot sleep at night.   A: Do you feel giddy?   B: Yes, I feel giddy sometimes.   A: How's your blood pressure?   B: It tends to be high.   A: Have you ever had any heart trouble?   B: No, I've never had any heart trouble.   A: Let me take your blood pressure. Hmm...it's higher than you smoke?   B: I'm afraid I do.   A: En, I advise you cut it out.   B: Thank you. I shall do what you tell me to do.
  A:刘先生,下午好。哪儿不舒服?   B:我时常头痛,而且晚上睡不着觉。   A:你头晕吗?   B:是的,我有时感到头晕。   A:你的血压怎么样?   B:血压偏高。   A:你得过心脏病吗?   B:没有,我从来没有得过心脏病。   A:我来量一下你的血压。嗯……比正常血压要高。你抽烟吗?   B:我抽烟。   A:嗯,我劝你戒烟。   B:谢谢。我会照你的吩咐做的。
发布时间:2022-06-01 15:48  点击:80

