用英语介绍朋友的对话。谈判取得成功的关键因素之一就是要掌握外宾的行程安排,做好接待工作。外宾下飞机或出机场(车站、码头)后,迎接人员应将其姓名、职务一一介绍给外宾,同时迎接人员与外宾握手表示欢迎。 外宾入住之前,应检查外宾所住的房间,确定安排是否妥当、合适,商议活动日程。商议的目的是看主人的安排是否符合客人的要求,有无需要增减的内容和项目。若有,须及时通知有关单位和部门。Vivian: John, I'd like you to meet Mr. . Zhong, this is our Sales Manager John. John, this is Mr. Zhong, Manager of import Department in American Oil Company.
John: After so many calls and fazes, it's very nice to finally meet you, Mr. Zhong. I've been looking forward to your arrival. I'd like you to have my business card.
Robert:Thanks very much, John. I am so happy for your invitation. I hope we can have cooperation opportunities after this is my business card.
John: How is everything going?
Robert: you for your considerate arrangement.
John: Would you like to follow me to Multifunctional Conference Room? I will introduce our company to you. Then we will go around. This way, please.
Robert:OK. You are so thoughtful. I believe it will be an unforgettable trip.
薇薇安:约翰,我想让你见一下钟先生。钟先生,这位是我们公司的销售经理约翰。约翰,这位是美国石油公司进口部的钟先生。 约翰:经过这么多次的电话和传真,终于有幸见到您,真的是很高兴。钟先生,我一直期盼您的到来。这是我的名片。
发布时间:2022-06-01 18:18 点击:91