谈判成员组成的英语对话,谈判一般是由三到五人的谈判小组形式出席。其中主要谈判人负责整个谈判工作。其他谈判人员起到辅助作用。谈判人员的确定,建立在合作空间与自身优劣的分析之上。确定的谈判人员必须是既通晓全局,又有所长;即悉知全局,能准确判断对方的合作条件,又精通某一领域,以使自身优势得以有效地体现。 John: Since they will send a team to negotiate with us, we will also make a team. As a rule, a negotiation team consists of three or four people, in which the leader takes dominant position.Sheryl:The leader must be an influential person He is the soul of the team. So he muss know all the background knowLEDge and full of successful ecerience of negotiation.
Vivian: Agree. And I think there must be a technique expert who is necessary to assist other negotiators. He can explain the basic information of our new products to others clearly.
John: You are right. And be familiar with another negotiator must American culture, taking the task of reception and scheduling.
Vivian: Last but not the least, there must be one, who knows the turns of market well, to be in charge of offer.
发布时间:2022-06-01 19:05 点击:96