








  英语打电话对话范文:打电话是一种非常直接的沟通方式,尽管电子邮件作为一种替代电话的沟通方式应用越来越广泛,但有的时候打电话可能更有效,例如当你想要在一个公司找到某个人时或你希望立即得到信息时。   商务工作中,可能因为下面种种原因而需要打电话:   提供或获取信息,尤其是在有紧急情况下;和某人保持联络;安排会面或其他事情;确认某些事情的细节,如订单、澄清误会、提出投诉或说明存在的问题、跟踪一次会议、向某人表达感谢等。
  A: Good morning. May I speak to ?   B: Speaking,please.   A: Mr. Black, this is Miss Liu of International Trading Co.,Mr. Brown's secretary. He asked me to call you confirming whether we will receive ten cartons of merchandise the day after tomorrow. He is currently on a business trip to Shanghai.   B: Sure. I sent a fax message about this matter this morning.   A: Really? Then I can inform Mr. Brown that everthing is okay.   B: Don't worry. Everything is on schedule.   A: Thank you,Mr. Black. Goodbye.
  A:早上好,我想与布莱克先生通话,可以吗?   B:我就是。   A:布莱克先生,我是国际贸易公司的刘小姐,布朗先生的秘书。布朗先生要我打电话给您,想确定我们后天是否可以收到10箱货物,他现在去上海出差了。   B:当然。今天早晨我已发了传真告知他这事。   A:真的吗?那就好了,我会通知布朗先生一切都没问题了。   B:别担心,一切顺利。   A:谢谢您,布莱克先生,再见。
  A: Hello. This is Zhang Lin calling. Is there?   B: I'm sorry, he's out now. I'm his secretary. May I take a message for him?   A: May I know when he will be back?   B: He won't be back until five.   A: Yes, will you tell him to call me back as soon as he gets in? My company name is Leon and my telephone number is3608 -0020.   B: All right. Mr. Zhang, I will give him your message.   A: Thank you. Goodbye.
  A:你好,我是张林。请问史密斯先生在吗?   B:抱歉,他现在出去了。我是他的秘书,你要留话吗?   A:请问他什么时候回来呢?   B:他今天要到五点才回来。   A:是的,请你转告他回来立刻回我电话好吗?我的公司名字是里安,而我的电话号码是3608-00200B:好的。张先生,我会告诉他。   A:谢谢,再见。
  A: Mr. Zhang's office. What can I do for you?   B: Tom here, of Changsheng Company,shanghai Branch. Could I speak to , please?   A: I'm sorry, he's out at the you like to speak to someone else in the office?   B: No. I must discuss the matter with himself. It's urgent.   A: Shall I ask Mr. Zhang to call you as soon as he comes back, or will you leave a message?   B: Tell him two of our customers have reported serious equipment of the customers is a major electricity supplier in Shanghai, so it's rather urgent. The equipment is, of course,still under guarantee.   A: Well, I'll certainly pass your message on to Mr. Zhang as soon as he returns.
  A:张先生办公室。我能帮您吗?   B:我是昌盛上海分公司的汤姆。我想找张先生讲话。   A:对不起,他现在不在。办公室其他人同您讲好吗?   B:不。我一定要和他本人讨论这桩事情。这是急事。   A:您是要我请张先生一回来就给您挂电话,还是您留个口信?   B:告诉他我们两位顾客报告设备严重损坏。有一位是上海的主要电力供应单位,所以非常紧急。当然,设备仍在保修期内。   A:好,他回来后我一定会立刻把您的口信传给张先生。
发布时间:2022-06-03 08:02  点击:101

