








  参观游览也是商务活动中的重要一环。在选择参观游览的项目时,要注意参观游览的目的性和客人的意愿。如果是参观博览会、展厅、厂房车间等时,要特别注意充分展示体现本单位特点的部分,同时可以特别介绍客商感兴趣的部分和商贸洽谈有关的部分。   如果是参观名胜古迹,则要充分考虑客人的需要,征求客人的意见后再安排旅游线路。   参观前,应事先准备好客人可能提出的问题,如果是技术性问题可在当场询问专家和技术人员,切不可不懂装懂。
  A: Mr. Smith, before you leave for London,you still have three days to go 'd like to show you around you have anything special in mindthat you wish to see?   B: It's very kind of you, Mr. Zhang. As a matter of fact, my wife and I were talking about this last night. We both wanted to go to the Great Wall, one of the seven wonders of the world.   A: It's really worth seeing. Our late chairman Mao Zedong once wrote in a pOEM,“ One is not a real man until he reaches the Great Wall. ”   B: I'm sure we'd like to see it. Besides the Great Wall, we've also heard a lot about the Palace Museum. We wish to see that too.   A; Well, that's the Palace where the Ming and Qing emperors used to live in. Anywhere else?   B; Apart from these places, we don't know what we should see. Maybe you could suggest some places.   A; All right. I would suggest you go to the Summer Palace and the Temple of Heaven. They used to be imperial gardens. You'll find the typical traditional Chinese architecture there. And.. .   B: They all sound wonderful. So in the next few days I'll be busy sightseeing.   A: We'll try to show you as much as we can. I'll make out a tentative plan foryou to look over first.   B: Mr. Zhang,I really appreciate your help.   A: My pleasure.
  A: 史密斯先生,在您回伦敦之前还有三天时间。我们想带您在北京转转。您有什么特别想看的吗?   B: 张先生,您太好了。实际上,我夫人和我昨晚还讨论过这事。我们都想去看看世界上七大奇观之一的长城。   A: 那的确值得一看。我们已故的毛泽东主席曾在一首诗中写道:“不到长城非好汉。”   B: 我们确实想去看看。除了长城,我们还听说了许多有关故官的事情。我们也想去看看故宫。   A: 好吧,那是明清两代皇帝曾经居住过的地方。还去别的地方吗?   B: 除了这些地方以外,我们不知道还该看些什么地方,也许您能推荐几个地方。   A: 可以。我建议你们去看看颐和园和天坛。它们曾是皇家花园。你们在那里会看到典型的传统的中国式建筑。还有……
B:它们听起来都不错。因此以后的几天里我将忙于观光浏览。   A: 我们将尽可能使您多看几个地方。我将写出一个初步的浏览计划让您先过目。   B: 我很感谢您的帮助,张先生。   A: 乐意效劳。

  A: How beautiful.   B : It sure is. The Grand canyon is truly a masterpiece.   A: What is that below?   B : It is the Colorado River. You can go down the river in a boat if you wish.   A: No, thank you. It looks a bit too dangerous for me.   B : There is a beautiful state park here. Ican see why so many people come oul here to camp.   A:Yes, there is a beautiful view, you can go fishing, camping and also enjoy this beautiful clean air.   B : It definitely is a nice change from the polluted and crowded city.   A : That's true.
  A:太美了。   B:一点儿也不假。大峡谷真是大自然的杰作。   A:峡谷下面是什么地方?   B:那是科罗拉多河。如果您有兴趣,您可乘小船顺流而下观赏风景。   A:不了,谢谢,这看起来有点儿太危险。   B:这里有个很美的国家公园。怪不得很多人都到这里来浏览宿营。   A:是的,这里风景真美,人们尽可以在这里钓鱼、露营、享受自然界清新的空气。   B:毫无疑问,这是一个人们逃避污染、拥挤的城市生活,换个环境的好地方。   A:是这样。
发布时间:2022-06-03 08:06  点击:96

