









  A: Mr. Jack, fame flies quickly, you are leaving Beijing tomorrow, have you got any plans tonight?   B: Not really. Why?   A: If not, May I invite you to dinner this afternoon at Shanghai Roast Duck Restaurant?   B: Roast duck? My friend introduced it to me before I came here. It's very kind of you to ask. I'd be delighted to go.   A: All right. I will meet you in the lounge of the hotel at 4 o'clock this afternoon.   B: Thank you. I will meet you then. Bye.   A: Well, here comes Shanghai roast help yourself, Mr. Jack.   B: Yes, thank you. Irs very delicious. Is it one of your famous dishes?   A: Yes. Do you like Chinese food?   B: Sure. It's marvelous, the best in the world, I think. How many courses are there in a Chinese banquet?   A: Usually 10. Please try some Maotai. It’s well known in China.   B: Yes, thank you very much for the very enjoyable dinner.   A: That's our pleasure. Mr. Jack, what has impressed you most during your stay in Beijing?   B: Many things have impressed me deeply, the long history of China, the hospitality of Chinese people, the food we are eating now and so on. Of course,our successful business talk has impressed me most. Chinese businessmen are more flexible than before.   A: You're right. We really appreciate the cooperation with you. Now, let's raise our glasses and drink for our friends.
  A: 杰克先生,时间过得真快呀,您明天就要离开北京了,今晚有什么安排吗?   B: 还没有。怎么了?   A: 如果没有,今晚,我想请您去上海烤鸭店吃饭好吗?   B; 烤鸭?我来之前朋友就介绍过。谢谢您邀请我。我很乐意去。   A: 好吧。我今天下午4点在饭店大厅等您。   B: 谢谢。到时见。再见。   A: 嗯,上海烤鸭来了。杰克先生,请您自便。   B: 好的,谢谢。真好吃,这是你们的一道名菜吗?   A: 是的,您喜欢中国菜吗?   B: 当然。中国菜妙极了,我想它是世界上比较好吃的菜。中国式宴会要有几道菜?   A: 一般十道。来点茅台,这酒在中国是十分有名的。   B: 好的,这顿晚宴很愉快,谢谢您。   A: 我们很高兴这样做。杰克先生,您在北京逗留期间什么留给您的印象深?   B: 很多事情都深深打动了我,比如中国悠久的历史,中国人民的热情好客,我们正在吃的中国菜等等。当然,给我印象深的是我们之间成功的商业会晤。中国商人比以往更具灵活性了。   A:您说得对。我们由衷地赞赏和您的合作。让我们举杯并为我们的朋友们干杯。
  A: Good evening, Mr. Mark. What would you like to drink?   B: Hello, Miss Wang. Champagne, please Where is you manager?   A: He will be here in a minute.   B: It's nice of you to give this farewell party. And I really appreciate it.   A: Thank you very much. Now here comes Mr. Zhang.   C: Hello, Mr. Mark. I hope you like the party.   B: Well, it is the most pleasant party I ever attended. I am telling Miss Wang how much I have enjoyed it.   C: I am glad you like it. I hope you will come back soon. I suggest a toast to our cooperation and friendship.   B: Yes. Let's cheers.
  A:晚上好,马克先生,你想喝点什么?   B:您好,王小姐。请来杯香槟吧!你们经理在哪儿?   A:他马上就来。   B;真的太感谢你们为我举行这次告别宴会。我非常喜欢。   A:谢谢!张先生来了!   C:您好,马克先生,希望您喜欢这次宴会。   B:这是我所参加的愉快的一次宴会。我正和王小姐说我非常喜欢。   C:您喜欢,我非常高兴。希望您不久能回来。我建议为我们的合作和友谊干杯!   B:好的,来吧!
  A: Welcome, Please sit down, Mr. Smith.   B: Thank you very much for preparing such a splendid dinner specially for me.   A: It's my pleasure. What would you like to drink?   B: Brandy, please.   A: OK, let's begin. To our friendship!   B: CheersA: Would you like to eat with chopsticks?   B: Yes, let me try... , oh, it's difficult. Will you show me how to do it?   A: Look, this way... , Yes, that's let's try some of this chicken.   B: Thank you. It's very nice.   A: Help yourself please.   B: I like Chinese food very much and I think Chinese cooking is the best in the world.   A: I think your food is very delicious.
  A:欢迎您,请坐,史密斯先生。   B:谢谢您为我特意准备如此丰盛的晚餐。   A:这是我的荣幸。想喝点什么?   B:白兰地。   A:好的,开始吧。为我们的友谊千杯!   B:干杯!   A:您愿意用筷子吗?   B:好吧,我试试……,哦,太难了。您给我演示一下好吗?   A:看,这样……是的,很好。现在尝尝鸡肉吧。   B:谢谢。味道很好。   A:请随便吃。   B:我很喜欢中餐,并且我认为中国的烹饪是世界上比较好的。   A:我想你们的饭也是非常可口的。
发布时间:2022-06-03 08:13  点击:73

