








  社交英语对话语句    do you d?你好吗?   2. How are you?你好吗?   3. How have you been?你近来都好吗?   4. How are you getting along?你近来生活好吗?    are you today?你今天好吗?   6. How is your business?你近来生意好吗?   7. How is your study?你近来学业如何?   8. How's everything?一切都好吗?   9. How's your family?你的家人都好吗?   10. I'm fine, thank you.我很好,谢谢你。   11. I'm all right, thank you.我一切很好,谢谢你。   12. I'm so so, thank you.马马虎虎,谢谢你。   13. I'm pretty good, thank you.我很好,谢谢你。   14. I'm very well, thank you.我很好,谢谢你。    give my best to your family.请代我向你的家人问好。   16. Please say hello to your brother for me.请你代我向你的兄弟问好。   17. I haven't seen you for a long time.我已经很久没有看见你了。   18. Long time no see.好久不见了。   19. Are you as busy as before?你跟以前一样忙吗?   20. Are you as busy as you have always been?你总是跟以前一样忙吗?   21. I'm so glad to meet you.我很高兴遇见你。   22. I'm glad to,YOU.我很高兴看见你。   23. I didn't expect to meet you here.我没有想到会在这里遇见你。   I'm so glad to have the opportunity to meet you.我有机会遇见你。非常高兴。   25. It's very nice to have a chance to meet you.我有机会遇见你,实在太高兴了。   26. 1 have been wanting to see you.我一直想去看你。   27. 1 have been looking forward to seeing you,我一直在盼望着看到你。   28. What's matter with you?你有什么地方不对劲吗?   29. What do you mean?你这是什么意思?   30. Are you studying or working?你是在求学还是在工作呢?    do you work?你在哪里高就(工作)?   32. Which occupation?你是干哪一行的?   33. So far so good.到目前为止还好。   34. 1 would appreciate your comments.请你多多指教。   35. May I introduce myself to you?我可以自我介绍吗?   36. 1 would like to introduce myself to you 我想向你作自我介绍。    me introduce myself to you.让我自己来自我介绍吧!   38 .May I take the liberty of introducing myself to you?我可以冒昧地做自我介绍吗?   39. What's your nationality?请问你是哪一国人?    are you come from?你是哪一国人?   's your family name? 请问你贵姓?   42. What's your first name? 请问你叫什么名字?   43. I think I have seen you somewhere.我好像在哪里见过你。   44. I have long wanted to see you.我很久就想见你。   45. I am pleased to meet you.我很高兴遇见你。   46. I have frequently heard alxwt you.我经常听到你的情况。   47. 1 enjoy the priviLEDge of meeting you.我很荣幸遇见你。    am delighted to know you.我很高兴认识你。   49. I am . port red to know you.认识你,深感荣幸。
发布时间:2022-06-03 22:15  点击:107

