1.身体健康 (1)身体很健康: be going strong健康良好,精力充沛;不因年老而衰退My grandfather was ninety years old on his birthday,andis still going strong. 我祖父刚过了90岁生日,但身体依然很硬朗。 这类短语还有:be(feel) in the pink, feel as fit as a fiddle,feel as strong as a horse,feel fine(grand),feel like a million(dollars),feel well等等. (2)看上去很健康;美观;令人满意: He looks well today. 今天他看起来很健康。 说明:其反义短语为look ill(看起来有病)。
2.身体不健康 (1)身体不舒服: be not feeling up to the mark[口〕感到身体不舒服I'm not feeling up to the mark today. 我今天感到身体不舒服。 这类短语还有:be not so hot, be run down, be(feel) offcolor,be (feel)out of sorts,be (feel)under the weather,be(feel)washed-out,feel cheap,feel seedy(shaky),feelstrange,let oneself get run-down等等.
(2)(使某人)头昏眼花: ①go to one's head使某人头昏眼花或头昏目眩Looking out the high window went to the woman's head. 这个妇女从高处窗户往外看就头昏目眩。 )see stars[口]头昏眼花;(因头部等处受打击而)眼睛冒金星 When the brick fell on his toes he saw stars and could notrefrain from crying. 当砖头砸了他的脚趾头时,他一阵头昏眼花,忍不住大叫起来。
(3)呕吐: be sick呕吐;恶心 He was sick last night;it must have been something heate. 昨晚他呕吐,一定是吃了什么不合适的东西了。 这类短语还有:feel sick, have one's heart up, shoot one'scookies,shoot(jerk) the cat等等。
3.身体有病 (1)生病: ① fall(get) sick(ill)生病 He fell sick last week and has been in bed ever since. 他上星期就生病了,一直躺在床上。 ② take sick[口]生病 He took sick and died a week later. 以上就是广州津桥外语小编整理关于健康的英语短文|关于健康的英语文章的全部内容。
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