









  Christmas brings to mind a chubby,white一bearded old fellowwearing a red suit and hat,giving out warm presents to children on the frigid night .Christmas is one of the favorite holidays of Americans,like the Spring Festival of China.   I remember the first Christmas in the United States .I was barelysix .It was a whole new custom,and,naturally,I had no idea of whatwas going on .All I know is that when Mom brought home the plasticChristmas tree,she also brought home a night of unforgettable joy.   At first the tree looked decrepit,just a product of some remote,unnamed company .It sat there,quite quietly,naively content with its nudity .But as Dad started to heap tangles of lights upon the trunk,upon the thicker branches-lights of all colors conceivable that could be made of glass-and as Mom judgmentally tacked onto the tree pristine greetingcards with her woman's fashion sense; as I carefully placed onto branch tips,the tree started to undergo a transformation .It was no longer a docile,out of place creature,but a seemingly familiar,spectacularly scintillating old friend .Mom placed now much一anticipated presents under the tree and stepped back to admire.   As if this wasn't enough,Dad took a power cord and fit it into an electricu outlet.   Click!   Suddenly the lights on the tree lit up,exploding the room intorainbow daylight .The effect was amazingly realistic,as if the tree had caught our holiday infection and decided to do a dance .The lustrous moving lights were too much for a tiny child to forget,and,to this day,a decade later,this memory still persists in my mind.   Another year,on Christmas Eve,my parents,to strengthen myChinese writing ability,made me write Santa Claus a letter for also said that Santa Claus knew Chinese .Though I must admit I never believed in the myth of Santa, at the bottom of the letter I drew a map of a nearby store where Santa Claus could buy my long一desired present(maybe this was because I was too keen on getting the present).   Another Christmas,my parents designed for me a treasure hunt.   Christmas morning,I traditionally put on my red Santa hat and randownstairs to open presents .My parents,however,told me to open their present first.   But where was it?Dad pointed at the phone without saying aword .I shot over to it,fumbling about the receiver and found a sheet of paper .Upon reading a Chinese pOEM written on it,I figured out that the first words of every line made up the location of the next destination:the tip一top of a tree.   The question was,exactly which tree was it?Maybe I was stillgroggy from just waking up,but my first thought was to check the trees in our backyard .I opened the door and stood in the frosty wind,eyes squinted,searching the treetops desperately for a clue.   My parents laughed."Are there any other trees?‘’they asked.   I suddenly realized:wasn't there a Christmas tree in our house?   Without another word,I slammed the back door shut and ran into theliving room,hoping to reach the note on the top of the tree .Darn!This wasn't my present,but a math problem .The answer would be the number of the stair,counting from bottom up,on which the next puzzle would befound.   This ...this was really unthinkable .In my hurry downstairs,I didn't notice the blazingly obvious note that contrasted so sharply with the brown carPET of the stairs.   What made me even more frustrated was the contents of thatnote:Dear son,your present is in your hat.   I hurriedly reached up,took off my hat and pulLED out a redenvelope,containing fresh green currency,my Christmas present from my parents.   The Christmases in my memory are full of love,warmth,and fun,and even to today this day I cannot forget them.

圣诞节留在脑海里的印象是一位胖乎乎的、长着白胡子、穿红衣戴红帽的老人,在寒冷的夜晚为孩子们派发礼物的情景。圣诞节是美国人特别喜爱的节日之一,就像中国的春节一样。   我还记得来到美国过的第一个圣诞节,那时我差不多六岁。这是个全新的习俗,我自然不清楚发生了什么。我所知道的就是当妈妈带回来那棵塑料的圣诞树时,她其实也为全家带来了整晚难忘的欢乐。   开始的时候,那棵树显得老态龙钟,它只不过是一个来自遥远的不知名的某家公司的产品。   它坐在那儿,十分安静,天真地满足于自己的朴实无华。但当爸爸开始在树干和茂密的树枝上挂上一串串泡时-你能想象的到的玻璃质地的各种颜色的灯泡,当妈妈凭借女人的时尚感觉审慎地将崭新的贺卡别在树上时,当我将节日的装饰物一件件小心翼翼地挂在树枝末梢的时候,那棵树开始改头换面了。它不再是个安静的、不合时宜的家伙了,倒像个亲切的、浑身闪闪发光的老朋友。妈妈将我盼望已久的礼物放在树下,继而退后一步欣赏。   好像还缺点什么,于是爸爸拉来一根电线,将一端接入电源的插座里。   咔嗒!   突然间,圣诞树上的灯全亮了,迸射出彩虹般的光芒,将屋子照得跟白天一般亮。它逼真的效果令人惊叹,似乎圣诞树也被我们的节日气氛所感染,准备翩翩起舞。这明亮闪烁的灯光给一个小小的孩童留下了难以磨灭的印象,以至于十年后的今天,这个记忆仍然深深地印在我的脑海里。   有一年的圣诞节前夜,我的父母为了加强我的中文写作能力,要我给圣诞老人写一封信,请他送我圣诞礼物。他们还说,圣诞老人懂中文。我必须承认我从未相信过关于圣诞老人的虚构故事,可我居然在信的后画了一张附近商店的地图,告诉圣诞老人在那里可以买到我向往已久的礼物(这或许是因为我太想得到礼物了)。   还有一年的圣诞节,我的父母为我设计了一个寻宝游戏。圣诞节那天早上,我按照习俗将红色的圣诞帽戴在头上,然后跑下楼,准备打开礼物。然而,父母告诉我先打开他们送的礼物。   但是礼物在哪儿呢?爸爸指了指电话,一言不发。我冲过去,笨手笨脚地在听筒旁搜寻,找到了一张纸。读完写在纸上的一首中文诗,我领悟出将每一行诗的第一个字连在一起便是下一个目的地:一棵树的顶端。   问题是:哪一棵树才是要找的呢?也许是刚刚起的缘故,头脑还不清醒,我的第一个想法竟然是去查看后院里的树。我打开,站在寒风中,眼睛眯成一条缝,努力地搜寻着树梢,希望找到一丝线索。   爸爸妈妈哈哈大笑。“还有没有其他的树呢?”他们问道。   我突然意识到:家里不是有一棵圣诞树吗?我二话没说,“砰”地一声关上后门,跑进客厅,希望从树顶取下纸条。唉!这还不是我的礼物,而是一道数学题,题的答案等于从下往上数的楼梯的级数,在那里会找到下一个谜。   这……这真是不可思议。因为在急急忙忙下楼的时候,我根本没有注意到在楼梯间棕色的地毯上有什么便条之类的显眼的东西。   更让我产生挫败感的是便条上写的内容:亲爱的儿子,你的礼物就在你的帽子里。   我举起手,迫不急待地取下帽子,从里边拔出一个红色的信封,信封里装着几张崭新的绿色纸币,那就是我父母给我的圣诞礼物。   记忆中的圣诞节充满了爱意、温馨和乐趣,直到今天我仍然难以忘怀。   以上是由广州紫铭教育整理的关于圣诞节的SAT写作的全部内容。
发布时间:2022-06-18 18:12  点击:82

