








  雅思写作小作文咨询信范文.这类信的开头通常是:   I am writing to you in the hope that I may obtain……   I would be grateful if you could send me full details of……   I am writing to enquire about……   I wonder if you could……   I would like to receive information regarding……   I am writing to ask if you could possibly……   I would like to request materials for……   I would be most grateful if you could send information concerning……   I was interested in your advertisement and I would like to……
  雅思写作小作文咨询信范文.信的结尾要表示“我”急切的心情,可以这样写:   I look forward to receiving the information.   Thank you for your consideration.   I look forward to your immediate response.   I am expecting your early reply.   Your prompt attention to this letter would be highly appreciated.   I am looking forward to hearing from you.
  例题:You are studying at a university in the north of passport has been is the form filLED in for the police:
  Write to your embassy in London,giving details of who you are, what happened and asking what you should do to get a new passport.
Dear Sir/Madam,
I am writing to report the theft of my passport. I am currently studying economics at Leeds University,and I came to Britain in September last year. My course here ends in September next year.
I lost my passport at Leeds bus station on 9 October. I was about to catch the 10: 30 morning bus to London, and I was having a cup of coffee at the snack bar in the bus station while I waited. The passport was in my overnight bag, which I carried on my shoulder.
This must have been snatched while I was drinking the coffee, although I did not notice it had gone until I left the snack bar at 10: 20am.
I have reported the theft to the police. Their reference number for the case is CX241, at Leeds Central Police Station. My passport number is AX, the date of issue is 28/2/1992 and the date of expiry is 27/2/2002.
I would be grateful if you could inform me what I have to do to obtain another passport. Do I need to provide photographs and, if so, how many? Please let me know the cost of a new passport and the currency in which I should pay for it.
  Yours faithfully,.   Mehmet Akbar.
  仔细分析题目,划出关键词。收件人是大使馆(embassy),这决定了本书信是一封公函,像passport, steal, who和what等词则确定了书信写作的背景要求。本文在事件经过的描写和要求的提出方面作了很好的示范。
发布时间:2022-06-18 20:15  点击:80

